About Town
The angel of the Lord said, “Do not be afraid, for behold I bring you good news of great joy which will be to all people … A Savior has been born to you.” And Dear Readers, that Savior is the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the “reason for the season.”
The Children’s Concert at the Praise Church was outstanding and amazing to hear and watch the young ones sing without books. Many of them had memorized scripture readings. They were led and conducted by Jimmy Brown. Mrs. Philomene Liesen would have been so proud of Jimmy. I remember as a young man, he told her, “I can’t sing, I can bellow.” Well, God has given him other talents besides playing the piano and singing. He also is in farming and ranching and the funeral director for funeral homes in Eads, Cheyenne Wells, and Burlington. I rush to write that behind every great man, there is a great woman, and that dear lady is Amanda (Wyatt) Brown. Near the end of the cantata, an adult Mary and Joseph walked forward with a baby and laid him in the little manger. The baby was not a doll, because we could see his feet move and he never cried! (Weston and Kailey Meardon and baby Gooden)
People who frequent the Eads Senior Citizen’s Center were surely happy that Gail Voss returned from South Dakota where she went to help and cook at the buffalo ranch while her granddaughter, Cally Rusher, had a baby boy. Gail prepared ham and that tasty cheesy hash brown casserole, and warm dinner rolls plus a pumpkin bar dessert for the dinner in Eads. There were more people attending than in many years. Loretta Siebel was elected President and Alice Glover will be our Vice President for next year. We gratefully presented a money gift to Gail for her service. This was followed by a presentation on “Cyber Security” by five employees of the Eastern Slope Rural Telephone Association. Ryan Lane, our local technician, dined with us also. He is a well-liked young man!
Some guests at the Haswell Senior Citizens Christmas dinner told me a pretty word picture about their evening that they look so forward to see what Wanda Lessenden has planned for them. They enter the living room where there is punch and hors d’oeuvres, and later are seated in the dining area for a sumptuous meal and dessert that was plated by Glenda Stoker and served by P.J. and Shane Lessenden and Colby Stoker. Afterwards they gathered around in the living room around the Christmas tree where they sang songs with Jimmy Brown playing the piano. Then Wanda called the numbers for the gift exchange which brought a bunch of laughs and bantering because they could take a gift that had been given or open a wrapped gift.
That same evening, we had a wonderful candle light Advent Service in the Kit Carson Lutheran Church where we sang many Christmas Carols, some which were accompanied by Jared Weeks on the piano, Shay Rady on the piano, and Payge Rady on the oboe. After the Homily, we sang “Silent Night” holding candles. Betsy Evans baked and decorated a birthday cake for Jesus, which we ate with beverages made by Tara Gaynor. The youth enjoyed gift opening and the brown sacks of candy. Tracey Weeks directed a fun team competition game of opening wrapped packages with oven mitts. It was indeed a memorable night.
Thanks to that dedicated 4-H Leader, Gloria (Gaynor) Trosper. She encouraged for the Prairie Queen 4-H Club members and many parents who brought them from Eads, Wiley, Haswell, and Chivington along with several tiny tots to be Christmas Carolers at the Weisbrod Extended Care Unit and Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center. There were about 35 or more of us singing. What fun!
Teri Simmons-Castle has arranged many really fun activities at the Extended Care Unit. One that drew a lot of laughs was the “Ugly Sweater Day.” She posted the results of the Door Decoration contest. Her head must be spinning while she is planning two more parties for opening gifts. There are two more new residents to join in on the activities
Some people do the nicest things. Wednesday morning I had a candy cane with a poem on a brown paper hanging on my doorknob. When I was thanking Deborah Gooden for this gift. plus the chocolate covered peanuts (which my Daddy used to love so much), she said, “Oh, no, that’s not Lane and me, that is Kenan and Ashley.” I am so impressed with this young couple who have three little boys, to take time to bring so much joy to me and others.
Thank you to Crow’s Stop and Shop, to the HealthMart, and Home Town Gas and Grill and others who played music out of doors and decorated your places of business and homes for the holidays.
The surprise was on me. I am the one who says,” buy in Eads!” but I took Bud and Dixie Bennett to Lamar for his 81st birthday because he wanted prime rib - none! But the next day, after they ate at J J’s Ranch House, he saw prime rib on a man’s plate. Then he learned that was the special. The owner, Jennifer Schofield, saved two and prepared them for my friends the next day! Now that is good Eads hometown service.
Thank you, for your prayers for my brother, Dwight, and his wife, Bonnie. They are healing.