About Town
“A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit” Proverbs 15:13
On Christmas Eve, the Haswell United Methodist Church was packed with local folk and many visitors that I didn’t recognize. How heartwarming it was to sing and worship with family and friends and to recognize that when Jesus was born and that He lived for 33 years, then died on the cross for us and arose from the tomb three days later…just a prophesied. Now believers in Him can look forward to Heaven.
The First Christian Church and the United Methodist Church in Eads had Christmas Eve services also.
Jim Offill of Eads had been having a difficult December after broken bones and hip and then cancer. He and Linda were so blessed to have their daughter’s families living near Colorado Springs so they could be near them during his hospitalization. Jim passed way December 30. His funeral will be held Friday.
The CLCEC—Crow Luther Cultural Events Center, had their last meeting of the year and are planning to honor the wonderful managers and volunteers who have worked in the concession and ticket stand this year. This event will be Monday, January 15, in the evening with finger foods and a free Fathom Event. In January, the ticket prices will change after five years to $6.00 for adults and children will be $3.00. Thank you to the women who bought many gift certificates for others.
I heard a knock on my door one Sunday afternoon. When I looked out, a white pickup was pulling away. It was Pastor-Rancher Lane Gooden, who had placed a large red sign in my cement flower pot that read, “Jesus is the Reason for the Season.” Robin Musgrave was so happy to receive one too. The Praise Community Church had used these signs outside for their Christmas Concert.
It was good to read Mrs. Judith Bean’s autobiography. I had always admired her as a fellow educator. Even more so gratifying to see and hear is how she has positively impressed and taught her students who respect her so much.
Dora Pearcey writes such interesting letters from Windsor, Colorado, where she lives in an assisted living home. She is doing well this year and has enjoyed her children and grandchildren, every single one has moved to a new resident or town this year. Her daughter, Diana, and Ken Flory retired from their Florida jobs and now live in Dora’s home, which they bought in Eads. We are so happy to have this wonderful couple back in Eads.
Tammy and Mike Ullman sent her annual Christmas poem about their family, which their friends have loved through the years. They live in Texas on a little farm where Mike has his gun workshop and Tammy is a school librarian. Their three children are finishing college.
Gloria Peck had a lovely winter bus trip with Burlington friends to Branson, Missouri. It is good to see her back home enjoying her grandchildren and at events.
Anna Randel hosted a wonderful dinner party and dance for her husband, Carl’s, 80th birthday. Family and friends were there to greet this gracious man and to “dance the night away” to the music of the Pony Kidd, Phil Pollreis.
Greg Griswould drove his father and mother, Floyd and Phyllis Griswould, to Arizona since Floyd had just back surgery in December. Floyd has been doing really well and can already walk.
Shelly Meyers is such a gifted artist in our town who paints pretty designs and scriptures on many windows of stores in Eads. They are so inspirational!
George Temple was honored with a birthday party Friday by his family and friends at Weisbrod. We admire his Wiley family who visit often.
Barb Seay was especially happy to have all three of her sons, Mike, Steve, and Matt together a few days at Steven and Becca’s home in Parker for Christmas time. Matt flew from the Washington D. C. area where he works.
The monthly brunch at the Eads Senior Citizen’s Center is Thursday, January 4, at 10:00 a.m. Please feel welcome to come. It is a simple gathering of folk to just visit and fellowship, listen to stories and news. You may bring some type of breakfast or lunch type of food or just drop a donation (two or three dollars) in the box.
Family is so important! I am grateful to my brother, Virgil Allen, and Wanda who dropped by. I took the opportunity to ask him to fix my heater, and fix my television, and move my “dead” microwave. I am glad he likes peanut clusters!
My brother, Dwight, is able to walk with a walker and will be able to go to the Loveland hospital to be with Bonnie, who can now talk and eat real food as she slowly regains lost mobility. What we learned from this is near death experience is that everyone should have a signed Power of Attorney document, and I add “write your will” and plan ahead for your finances.
The next home basketball game is Friday, January 5 at 4:00 p.m. with Cheraw, and at Stratton Saturday. The Middle School teams will be at Holly Saturday. Our wrestlers will be at the Lamar Tournament Saturday, January 6.
The Kiowa County National Bank honored Koy Glover with an all-day Reception in the bank as she retires. Fran Larrew baked and decorated a pretty blue rose cake for the occasion.
As we look ahead to the New Year, let’s remember that God has always been and will always will be faithful.