About Town
“You shall prosper----be strong and of good courage; do not dread nor be dismayed”, I Chronicles 22:13
Many family, friends, and former students of Henry Ashida attended his 80th birthday celebration last Saturday in Ordway. It was a wonderful time of photo taking, visiting, watching a video about Henry and hearing accounts of people’s tributes to Henry. While Robin Musgrave and I were in Ordway, we went to visit Cliff Johnston in the Crowley County Nursing Home. His niece, Linda Johnston, was visiting him from Longmont where she manages Abel’s Pizza Parlor. Her parents were the former Howard and Paula Johnston from the Arlington community.
Many hearts are aching this week-end after they heard of the death of dear Barbara Weirich from south of Galatea. Her funeral is scheduled for Monday January 15. She is survived by her five children and their spouses and lovely family members: Jerry, Mike, John, Mark, and Cathy. Besides seeing her smiling face at her children’s and grandchildren’s sports games, I think one of her happiest days was when her family hosted a large outdoor barbeque after the Weirich Ranch was honored as a 100-year Century Ranch at the Colorado State Fair!
Dr. Josh Fry was appointed after interviews to fill the Colorado Springs District 49 School Board seat to be a new director. He has lived in that city 12 years since graduating from Eads High School. He is currently the Associate Director of Student Success at Colorado Technical University. He holds a doctorate degree in Management and Organizational Development and Change. It certainly is good to hear of the success of our former students. I learned this from his mother, Lori (Abrams) Morlan.
Delores Rector’s home on Goff Street is now occupied by her niece and husband, Jim and Cindy Krei. How good to have the Kreis move back from the city to Eads. I have vivid, good memories of their four children, Michelle, Michael, Matthew, and Melissa.
Cheryl Davis of Eads is an accomplished photographer! I love the Christmas cards she sends. This year, mine had red “October Roses” near a paned window on a card that was trimmed in lace looking card stock.
Trevor Randel, a senior at Eads High School has been collecting some top award medals at wrestling tournaments. He and his teammates compete with young men from Wiley and McClave. There are huge photograph posters of the 12 teammates who make up this county line team.
Recently I have seen the rising waters of the lakes along each side of Highway 287 that the Great Plains Reservoirs are filling. Lake Henry is a sprawling expanse of water near Ordway and Blue Lake between Haswell and Las Animas is beyond beautiful in the sunset. On our road trip day, we saw the blue mountains of Twin Peaks near Trinidad and then the Sangre de Christo Range in the middle, and to the north, Pikes Peak near Colorado Springs! It was an awesome sight!
Next Monday evening, January 22, is the Reception to “Meet and Greet” two new medical providers at the Chamber of Commerce “Chamber After Hours”. At 5:30 p.m. people can put a donation of about $3.00 in the basket and then have a plate of food in the hallway of Prairie Pines. At 6:00 p.m. President Dennis Pearson will introduce the new Family Nurse Practitioner, Jessica Hyman, and Dawn Back, who is a Physician Assistant and formerly worked in the Eads Clinic and who has returned to her home west of Eads. Both these ladies are taking patients in the Eads Clinic. The community is invited to come to welcome these much-needed health professionals to our town.
Reagen and Morgyn Johnson, Eads junior and sophomore respectively, are earning money to fund their sports trip to Australia is summer. The girls are sportswomen for the Eagles and will be competing in track and field events. One way to help them is to buy a ticket to win ½ a beef.
We have discovered that there are a growing number of people in our town who have been having 80th birthdays. Madonna (Wissel) Pollreis joined those numbers last week.
Roger Evans and his son, Stacy Evans, were in Eads Monday. Stacy is a Kit Carson graduate and an Army veteran, who has now been an airline pilot for 20 years. Since he flies for Boutique Air Lines, he can spend more time with his parents, Roger and Betsy, now when he has lay-over’s in Denver.
Shae (Cordova) Johnson can be pleased with the cheerleaders she sponsors. These young ladies, Madison Kelley, Molly Stolzenberger, Lala McPherson, Mollie Kelley, and Reagen Johnson, are performing spirited chants and stunts.
A thought for daily life: “Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.” David McCasland