About Town
“The Lord will keep you from all harm. He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” Psalm 121: 7 & 8.
Last week Pastor Russell Parker and pianist, Anetta Maxcy led the Weisbrod Chapel-Church. The pastors of Kiowa County take turns each Sunday to bring the Word and music to residents and sometimes, when the C.N.A.s have time, they help residents hold hymn books to sing.
I spent some time in the Emergency Ward last week with friends. The doctors, Dr. Karen Liljestrand and Dr. Mike Magill-Collins, were nice and knowledgeable as well as nurses, Nikki Lenox and Connie Richardson. How grateful we are that we have a hospital in our little town. Again, I encourage people to shop in Eads (so we can gain tax money) and use the Weisbrod doctors, clinic, and physical therapists in our town to support our hospital.
Monday morning brought a light blowing snow during the funeral for Barbara Weirich. There were so many beautiful flower arrangements, and the music sung by Dawn and Alicia James was lovely, accompanied by Jimmy Brown. The snow passed by afternoon but not the coldness.
Monday evening was the Annual Meeting and Volunteer Recognition Party at the CLCEC (Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center). Board members served crackers and cheese with sausages and beverages. Chairwoman, Betsy Barnett, summarized the work and activities accomplished during the year and gave a sincere thanks to the volunteer managers and people who were vital in their service during the year. There were good turnouts of movie goers for the two weeks of “Star Wars—The Last Jedi” this month.
Many people were sad to hear of the death of Pastor Steve Puls, who formerly served at the Eads Baptist Church in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. Two young mothers about the age of two of his four daughters expressed their deep appreciation and respect for Steve Puls. I quote Andrea Voss Morgan who said, “Steve was a man of faith, heart filled with so much love for those around him especially for his girls. I cherish memories of him from church, youth group, and many times hanging out at their house.”
After Bobbi (McPherson) Scott in Missouri had a call to pray for this dear man who had been so instrumental in her life during her youth and a friend to his daughters, Becky, Sarah, Rachel, and Elizabeth, and wife, Lynn, she packed up her five children and drove to Colorado. Pastor Puls’s funeral was Wednesday, January 17 in Thornton, where his son-in-law, Preston (Rachel) Hoffman, of Fort Worth, Texas, participated in the worship service.
Since Eads High School is more central and a larger school between Interstate 70 and the south state line, the school staff under the leadership of Eads Knowledge Bowl sponsors, Sue Fox and Dawn James, organized a knowledge bowl meet for 37 teams from 21 schools. The school staff plus several local men and women served as the Readers, Timers, and Score Keepers for this annual event at Eads High.
I met the tall man called “Coach Washington” at the ball games a week ago. He was such a positive exuberant man. His love for kids of all ages is evident. He thoroughly enjoys facilitating basketball camps and hopes to return next summer. Thanks to the people on the Recreation Board who paid and arranged for him to have a winter camp and assembly in Eads.
There were a larger number of people who attended the monthly noon basket lunch at the Eads Senior Citizens Wednesday. Gail Voss made delicious wheat bread beef bierocks for the basket dinner. Dr. Tim Richardt addressed the group to relate some of the physical therapy services that he and his associate, Joe Zinger, offer. He also spoke for Brandy Turcotte of the social services office about the long-term swing bed plan and short-term swing bed plans for people. These terms used to refer to what we have been calling the Extended Care Unit or previously, “the nursing home,” but the “state” changed the terms. Char Korrell, the CEO for Weisbrod, explained that because of the sickness of the flu season that this is the reason some regular social activities will not be happening until further notice. If you really need to come into the facility, there are masks at the front reception office. Hospital Board Chairperson, Priscilla Waggoner, was also a dinner guest. We were glad to have Lou Turner dine with us, too, as well as Jim and Cindy Krei who brought her aunt, Delores Rector, from Prairie Pines. Commissioner Cindy McLoud explained about the progress of the buildings being reconstructed on Maine Street. She also explained about how the senior citizen money is to be spent. She encouraged people to think about attending the Philanthropy Days in Lamar this summer. The Senior Citizen’s next meeting will be a baked potato bar with lots of toppings plus chili February 21 at noon. President Alice Glover announced that the monthly Sage noon meal will be on Wednesday, February 7, and the brunch will be Thursday, February 8, at 10:00 a.m.