About Town
Galatians 6:9-10 “So let us not become tired of doing good, if we do not give up, the time will come when we will reap the harvest. So then, as often as we can we should do good to everyone.”
Undoubtedly one of the most memorable and important happenings in Eads, America, was last Tuesday at the Eads School Celebration Assembly for students in grades 4, 5, 6, and 7 and their teachers for winning the national Title I Distinguished School Award for the second consecutive year. Only two schools in the state were designated with this award, and this is out of 727 schools! Since the program began in 2006, no school has ever achieved such high scores. Eads testing coordinator, Mrs. LaDawn Britten, delivered a speech describing the fact that these students in each grade were over 20 to 30 percent higher than other students. It was so awesome when the students in these four grades walked slowly single file into the gym while the song, “We Are Champions!” was being played. When the high school rose to honor them, then the middle school, and the rest of the elementary school and public in attendance stood to their feet continually clapping. What a standing ovation! It was so beautiful to watch. I heard one fifth grader, whisper with wide eyes, “they are clapping for us? for me?” It was such an exhilarating feeling and made one feel even more proud to be associated to the Eads School. Hearing that music, “We are Champions” flashed memories of state wrestling tournaments when our Eads wrestlers paraded before the last their final matches. This academic assembly brought “chill bumps and little tears to me.” Another nice happening was when Mrs. Brittan asked each teacher of the elementary school stand to be recognized for their combined 240 years of experience! In her extraordinary speech, she pointed out how indeed it does take a “village to educate a child.” A tall man from the State of Colorado who was here last year told how glad he was to return to our school and to visit with the children and teachers. Then a man who is in charge of the Federal Title I program stated in his remarks that he has heard many speeches in his life, but this lady (LaDawn Bitten) was outstanding! Then the men asked one of the ladies who accompanied them from Denver to have the chosen students enter. One group brought in a pretty blue and aqua award flag to hang in the school and the other group carried in a HUGE sign stating that the school had received $10,000. I understand this will be used to update computers for the students. Oh, additionally the parents of the students all wrote letters to their child, which the eight seniors handed out to each child before they and the whole audience could be served cake in the multiple purpose room. This was an exceptional happening in our town!
We extend our sympathy to the families of Claudette (Lester) Williams, who passed away in her Colorado Springs home. Her funeral services are scheduled for Tuesday in Eads. Lester and Claudette built their first home in Eads and were missed a lot by friends after they moved to the city.
The quarantine was lifted at the hospital last Wednesday so the residents in the long-term care unit were happy to see their friends. We had a lively visit with the Patton sisters, Margaret Frazee and Betty Holthus.
There was a great turn out of people who came to enjoy the junior class Mexican supper at school. Their parents were helpful to the youth too.
Alice Glover of Eads has joined the “80’s Club” around Eads. She and her family and friends were planning at the writing of this column to visit during a pot luck meal at the Community Building Saturday.
Members of the VALE Board (Victims Assistance/Law Enforcement) were glad to have sheriff’s officers, Jake Six and Lane Elliott, attend. The policemen told us about some of their work and duties.
Eads Consumers Supply Company (Co-op) has added a line of four different sizes of U-Haul trailers and trucks on their former C-Store lot. This is a good service for people since for years and years people have had to drive to Lamar to rent a trailer.
Another smart marketing tool is the attractive Sub-Way coupon booklets that come in the mail. These can bring savings on food for families.
Logan Smith came home to the basketball games to watch his younger sister, Mariah. Logan is pursuing his Masters Degree at Fort Hays University in Kansas as is his classmate of 2013, Marisa Dixon.
Penny Weirich had her husband, Jim Smith, leave her in Eads at their home, since he had to get on to Dallas in his big truck. Penny is one of county citizens who have been called to report for jury duty.
The next CLCEC, Crow Luther group will meet next February 21, which is also the day of the Senior Citizen meals and business meeting in Eads and Haswell.
Remember, Wednesday is Valentine’s Day and the beginning of Lent Season.