About Town
By Doris Lessenden
“Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be brave, be strong. Do all your work in love.” I Corinthians 16: 13-14 Today’s English Version
Last week the Eads Junior class decorated the gym in the “Hollywood” theme in black, red, and silver colors. Saturday night the couples were presented to the large crowd of interested family and friends. It was a marvel to see the girls in their lovely long gowns and the young men were so handsome in their suits. The senior royalty court was Micah Crawford, Lakota Roberson, Cameron Crow, Chance Fowler, and Avery Snover. Lakota and Avery were crowned the Queen and King of the Prom. Little Paisley McLoud and Quinn Britten were the crown bearers. The Prom was followed by an After Prom Party where senior parents sponsored the Party. Organizations, businesses, and individuals donated money so that really fine gifts could be bought for the students at the party. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped make the night of good memories for the youth.
The Eads senior citizens were so pleased to have more friends come to the noon dinner. First time guests were Peggy Billmire who came with Marsha Mousel from Aurora, Pam Mousel of Bennett, Sheriff Casey Sheridan and Under Sheriff Jake Six and C.N.A. Eunice Weber. New Director Gail Voss prepared chicken fried steak and gravy served with Joyce Berry’s mashed potatoes and all the tasty side dishes. President Loretta Seibel asked LaVerle Kelley and Alice Glover to give a report on the Area of Aging meeting they attended in Ordway. Loretta also thanked all the volunteers who helped with the Concession Stand in the Theatre for three nights. The next noon meeting is May 17th. The Sage Meal will be at noon on Wednesday May 3rd and the Brunch will be Thursday May 4th. The Center will be opened for card playing and games such as dominoes on Mondays at 1:00 p.m. and Thursdays at 6:00 p.m.
We want to welcome new neighbors on Kerr Street. Weston and Kailey (Lane) Meardon and their baby girl, Beckyn. Often times when we are in town or at school events, we see folk we don’t know. I am quite sure there would be more people moving into our little town if some of the “empty” houses were opened for rent.
Melinda (Mitchell) Uy flew from California so she and her sister, Carrie Stavely, could take their mother, Virginia, to a doctor in Pueblo. I have told Virginia when you get those four daughters, (Diana and Dawna) together, have them sing for you. Some of my best memories on long Pep Club bus rides were to hear the four Mitchell girls sing in such wonderful harmony.
Kenny Robertson died in Arizona last week. He was one of our good 4-H friends from Arlington in the l950’s and l960’s. Kenny could play the piano well and one of our favorite songs was “Vaya Con Dios” He was the son of the late Bev and Ula Robertson. His service will be at the Sugar City Cemetery May 6th at 11:00 a.m.
As a new member of the VFW Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, I helped ladies in Kit Carson to decorate wooden crosses that Ronald and Shirley White made. We had many poppies and craft supplies that Luanna Naugle and Betsy Evans had gathered for us to decorate the wooden crosses that we plan to sell for grave markers. These women’s husbands have served overseas in the military and have been active in the VFW. I qualify for membership because my brother, Dwight Lessenden was a veteran of the Viet Nam War.
The Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center Board met Wednesday evening. They practiced using the newly purchased container for warming butter for pop corn. They also bought a baby changing table which Marty Barnett is mounting on the wall for us. More events are being booked at the Plains Theatre such as the Sand Creek Anniversary, the 4-H Fashion Show and Creative Cooks on July 13th, and a McClave school outing. Betsy Barnett and Cindy McLoud have scheduled good movies through May. Circle your calendar for the Maine Street Bash on July 30th.
I like to watch our Eads-Kit Carson Baseball Team and the ball fans from my van. One sweet sight last Tuesday was seeing that tall big Neil (Diamond) Richardson walking hand in hand with his tiny dark hair granddaughter into the ball park. Another one was when Charlotte Phillips drove up to the game for hugs from her granddaughters and her son, Steve Phillips, who were with the Rival team fans for—Wiley and McClave. Some teachers bring their students out to see a little of the game. Later some of the track team members ran around the city block of the school campus several times.
Here is a listing of some parties that readers may like to attend. Sunday, April 30th my family is hosting an 80th birthday party for me, Doris, at the Prairie Pines at 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Wednesday at noon is the SAGE meal at the Center, call Areta Laird, Thursday May 4th is the Brunch at the Center at 10:00 a.m. Friday, May 5th at 5:00 p.m. is a Cinco De Mayo pot luck. Guests are asked to bring a Mexican kind of dish. Saturday May 6th at 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. there will be a Bridal Shower for Shalyn Laird and Keith Smith in the Pines. On Sunday 2;00 to 4:00 p.m. there will be a diaper shower for Bennie and Cassie Frey and baby Monroe Sue. at the Cobble Stone Inn. At 6:30 p.m. on Sunday the EHS Baccalaureate Service will be at the First Baptist Church.
There were hundreds and hundreds of orange and black Monarch Butterflies migrating through Eads from Mexico last week. I have heard that they are flourishing along Kiowa Creek in the plumb bushes near Chris Sorensen’s and Phil and Madonna Pollreis’ homes. Big turkey vultures are migrating through. One morning I saw nine of the birds roosting in the trees east of the Court House. Last fall I saw 12 birds in the trees from my art room windows.
Joy, Spring is Here!