About Town
By Doris Lessenden
I Thessalonians 3: 12 “May the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow more and more…”
April 27th was such an important day of other happenings in Eads America! For three days, leaders from the Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho Native American Tribes from Montana, Wyoming, and Oklahoma met at the National Sand Creek Massacre site.
On Thursday at noon, the Sheridan Lake Hawk’s Nest C-Store staff served a full course hot meal at the park site. That evening many people from far and wide came to the Plains Theatre in Eads to commemorate and celebrate the 10 years since the National Park opened in Kiowa County. Dr. Alexa Roberts, Superintendent, addressed the attendees then Karen Wilde who is the liaison between the tribes served as Mistress of Ceremonies and awarded gifts to the speakers. Commissioner Richard Scott gave an eloquent speech followed by State Dignitaries, and a number of tribal leaders from three states who recounted stories from the last ten years. National Park service dignitaries and the nine employees who work at the park were recognized also. Charlie and Mary Vasquez prepared a smorgasbord of slider sandwiches, fruit and veggie trays, cookies and ice cream for the guests.
The volunteer workers at the Plains Theatre were pleased that so many people came from other towns to see the dynamic Chonda Pierce documentary movie of this woman of faith Tuesday evening.
Kevin and Chelsea Davis and Cathy Davis have been busily painting and re-decorating Jeanne Sorensen’s former computer store on the corner of 13th and Maine in Eads for Chelsea’s new business. Jeanne has moved her store across the street to share space with the Kiowa County Press, which also has an updated look inside.
National Lab Week was celebrated at Weisbrod Hospital each day last week by Gloria Trosper and Krissy Ray who had educational displays and a contest. Their cookies, nut breads, veggie trays and other offerings were outstanding plus the visitors and employees surely enjoyed the ladies’ foods.
Gilbert Brown’s children, Pam Weirich, Kandea Reedy, Rod, and Terry and spouses and families hosted a lovely 80th birthday party for him out at the Chivington Church Saturday afternoon. It was a great family and friend reunion. We extend our sympathy to the Brown families following the death of Gilbert’s oldest brother, Waylon.
When such a big snow was reported for Friday into Saturday, I was skeptical but Saturday morning I was a believer. It is the largest amount of snow that I remember here since 2007.
Kelly Lujan and Barbra Durrett Armstrong called me Monday morning to ask about my 80th Birthday Party. I assured them that it was wonderful and that soooo many people came to greet me! My nieces, Shannon Dixon, Dreama Buck, and Glenda Stoker kept the five tier tall trays filled with a marvelous variety of gorgeously decorated and flavored cup cakes that Glenda had made. It was so heartwarming for me to see sooooo many friends and relatives who came from Eads and other towns to greet me plus my best friend and photographer, Henry Ashida. Afterwards Floyd and Phyllis Griswould came from Arizona but they were snowbound in Dalhart, Texas.