About Town
By Doris Lessenden
“The prayer of a righteous person has great power.”
Mrs. Monica Fell-Uhland’s Elementary and Middle School student’s music students brought a gym full of interested families and friends to the Spring Concert Thursday evening. Mrs. Jill William’s and Mrs. Kayla McLoud’s Pre-School students delighted the audience with action songs before the Kindergarten to Fifth Grade students took over the stage. The girls were dressed in poodle skirts, and the boys in black and white garments typical of the rock and roll era by singing and dancing with such gusto the classic songs from the Broadway play and movie, “Grease”. One grandmother told me, “I have asked, “How can Monica ever top that last Concert?” Well, she and her students did! Such exuberance! Their singing, happy expressions and costuming were amazing!!! The large middle school worked together with the stage set and acting of the
“The Paper Bad Bandit Rides Again”. The three scenes included as many of the over 50 Middle School students as possible in their western melodrama. Shaun Lynch a seventh grader acted his part as the villain, Sludge Slyskull, with amazing talent. I was not surprised even though I didn’t recognize him at first, but I have recognized before that this kid has real untapped talent!
The Eads schools and community extend their deepest sympathy to their Business Manager and two bus drivers, Pam Cole and Butch and Brenda Robertson, after the death of their dear mother, Alma Robertson. Alma has lived all her adult life on the Robertson ranch north of Chivington. Her funeral was in the Chivington Friends Church Monday morning.
Most of us didn’t even get to say “Good-bye” to Vicki (Holcomb) Morgan of Eads. We knew that she had planned to move to Missouri after she retired from the McClave State Bank where she has commuted to work for many years. She gave away or stored most of her goods, bought a nice fifth wheel trailer, and recently moved to Missouri where she lives closer to her daughter, Amy and Billy Gourley and children, and son, Brad and Erin Morgan and children. We know that she will be so happy to be near those adorable grandchildren to watch their growth and activities. God bless this dear lady and best wishes for a happy future Vicki. I can see that her home has been purchased and is occupied.
Kailen Lee Lane had her parents, Artie and Tonya, and grandmother, Phyllis Lane of Eads and, Canon City grandparents, Roberta and Chip Hines in attendance at her graduation from Lamar Community College Saturday where she received her Licensed Practical Nurse degree and pin. Kailen has been a dietary and nurse assistant for several years at Weisbrod Hospital.
Shalyn Laird and Keith Smith of Greeley were honored with a lovely bridal shower Saturday afternoon in Eads at the Prairie Pines where her grandmother, June Blooding lives. The hostesses decorated the room with an abundance of sunflowers that added such elegance to the shower setting. Fran Larrew baked and decorated chocolate and vanilla cakes with sunflower motifs.
Richard Glover was so surprised and thrilled when two of his Navy buddies came from Wisconsin and Nevada came to celebrate his birthday. Rich’s mother, Alice Glover, said at they had such a good time reminiscing. His daughters, Chelsea and Chevaun, had secretly arranged the reunion. While Rich and Koy’s daughters were home in Eads, they had a baby shower for Chevaun and Josh Hammer.
Glaida Craven has extended family and Hospice care nurses helping her in her Kit Carson home.
The Chamber of Commerce met last week to discuss plans for announcing the Volunteer of the Year and Citizen of the Year to be awarded at the KCEDF Annual dinner on June 1st. So, nominations are due to Dennis Pearson or Jan Richards by May 12th. They surprised me by having a chocolate decorated cake brought to the dining room by the J J’s staff. Thank you!
Senior citizens so enjoyed a lovely Brunch Thursday morning at the Center. The people brought delicious warm rolls, casseroles, fruits, warm apple bunt cake, with biscuits and gravy.
“Cinco de Mayo” was celebrated with a “Fiesta” in Mexicana decorated rooms at Prairie Pines Friday evening. Some of the residents did lots of chopping for the delicious guacamole and preparing drinks in tall stem glasses. One of the staff member’s mothers made homemade tortillas which were really good! The staff had made many traditional Mexican dishes while guests brought great side dishes for a real fiesta of foods. Tall employee, Justin Rodriquez, suspended a bouncing piñata which the little children had a good time beating until the candy fell out of the donkey.
This is National Hospital Week with lots of fun activities and dress days going on daily at Weisbrod. It will climax with a Barbeque for the community in the Patio on Friday the 12th at 5:00 p.m. If it rains, we will dine in the hallways and dining rooms.
The Eads senior class was honored at the Baccalaureate Service at the First Baptist church Sunday evening with choruses and an encouraging message by Pastor Russell Parker. Pastors Mark Imel, and Pastor Galen Burrnett, was also a part of the service followed by a sumptuous reception of cookies and punch served by Deborah Gooden, Debbie Lening, Pam and Gary Crow, and Loraine Saffer.
The Crow Luther Cultural Events Center met last week to discuss more plans dealing with the Fair Dance, Maine Street Bash, and reservations for parties and events at the Plains Theatre. Readers may like to know that for $50.00 or more depending on what is needed people can entertain friends and family with a movie and treats. Just call Betsy Barrnet or Terry Riley for booking.
Sunday afternoon, Benny and Cassie Frey were hosted with a baby shower for their newborn girl, Monroe Sue. The shower was in the Cobble Stone meeting room. The Frey’s and children, Milo and Monroe, live west of Eads in the former Clayton and Gloria Peck home.
My friends, Tereso and Lilia are already selling cantaloupes and watermelons.