About Town
I remember that Buster Bowen used to request to sing this song: “Wonderful Words of Life”. Sing them over again to me, Wonderful words of life, Let me more of their beauty see, Wonderful words of life. Words of life and beauty teach me faith and duty, Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of life.” Philip P. Bliss Buster was a veteran, rancher, and school board member, active in the Chivington Friends Church.
Don McDaniel was our special guest and member of honor at the Eads Senior Citizens dinner last Wednesday. We are really going to miss this kind man who is leaving to a veteran’s assisted living home. People relished the fried chicken and gravy and wheat rolls that Gail Voss made. Loretta Seibel brought mashed potatoes which were perfect with the entrée and the side dishes people brought. LaVerle Kelley and Alice Glover reported on the AAA meeting they went to in Las Animas. Gail reported that she had taken Belinda Zink, the Architect for the new Senior Citizens Center, to see how the kitchen was designed by John Krentz at the United Methodist Church. Zink liked the openness of the kitchen and understood why we liked this type of kitchen. Next meetings will be Wednesday, August 2, the Sage meal and do call Areta to order a meal. Thursday, August 3, is the brunch at 10:00 a.m. The monthly lunch and meeting will be Wednesday, August 16.
Angie (Gallimore) Winder delivered the meals on Friday for Areta Laird, the director of that project. It was a nice surprise to see a new smiling face. For some people, the volunteer deliverer may be the only “live person” they can talk to once or twice a week.
The members of the VALE Board (Victims Assistance Law Enforcement) were pleased to have Sheriff Casey Sheridan attend their quarterly meeting. This group can allocate funds (by certain criteria) to a victim of crime committed in the town of Eads. The funds grow as people pay their tickets from arrests by the sheriff’s officers. He said that fund may grow more since there have been so many arrests recently, mostly from traffic tickets and people stealing. Our community, like other towns, is afflicted with problems related to marijuana. He said the problem is complicated also because of changing laws by the state government.
Physical Therapists, Dr. Tim Richardt and Joe Zinger visited the new gym at the Demitasse Shop which will have its grand opening July 29. The young men, who are therapists at Weisbrod Hospital, were impressed with the large space. They also go to Prairie Pines to work with the men and women there to maintain their walking and general mobility.
The Maine Street Bash is shaping up to be a new kind of street festival that the Crow-Luther group thinks people will enjoy. It is free to come into the 13th-14th Street area where there will be about 40 or more vendors. There will be Thai foods, Mexican foods and other goodies. Valorie Briggs is helping to get more activities for the younger set. Alicia James has organized musicians. These singers are scheduled for 45 minute shows starting at 10:00 a.m. and running to 5:00 p.m. The singers are Mykayla Krentz, Madison Kelley and Dustin Nelson, Joe Musgrave, and then at 1:00 p.m. will be Alicia James, Jayce Negley, then at 3:00 p.m. Jared Weeks, Brittany Gonzales, and Rhiley Unruh. Meanwhile on the Main Stage people can listen to KLMR radio feed, and at noon, Jamie Crocket and Jared Weeks will entertain. KVAY will have a radio feed at 1:30 to 2:20 p.m. Brittany Gonzales of Granada will sing the 2:30 hour followed by Jamie and Echo Crockett and Riley Unruh. Rhett Uhland will have a two-hour space of 5:30 to 7:30. The band JUDI of Lamar will come on stage at 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. for dancing and listening. Justin Lenox of Eads has worked all summer to bring the Demolition Derby back to Eads. This show will start Saturday morning, with awards to be given in the evening. Vinton Englhardt will head up the Horse Shoe Tournament that begins in the morning. Later Marty Miller and Kim Richards will oversee the Corn Hole Tournament which is a new game to many people, but it will be fun. There will be chairs and benches but people can bring their own chairs. There will be movies in the theatre and also Karaoke singing with Darwin Nelson. Another new feature is that Rhonda Uhland and her daughters-in-law will have a “Color Run” to benefit the Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center.
Terri Castle-Simmons and Kelly Darnell are inviting models for the “back to school” Fashion Show at the Weisbrod ECU at 2:00 p.m. August 1. People of all ages are welcome. If we haven’t contacted you readers or youth, just appear and the residents will be most happy to see babies or children. Last Thursday evening these ladies plus some staff rolled the residents down to the Maine Scoop for ice cream in the evening. They were parked all along the side walk around the silver tables.
The construction workers are busy working long hours in and around the three vacant brick buildings on the east side of Maine Street. The people who sit outside to eat their ice cream or Charlie and Mary’s marvelous lunches are entertained by watching the progress. Sharon Frazee told us that we would get to enjoy a new Senior Center in our lifetime. Now it is beginning to look more possible.
Many of us who knew Ryan Lane had been offered a promotion at the Hugo Telephone office have said many times that we “are glad he and Claire did not that that job.” We really do like his work and his willingness helps us. After they looked at the cost of living and lack of child care, they decided to stay in Eads. They own a home near the school so it is ideal for them and especially people who are patrons of Eastern Slope Rural Telephone, which is a large area.
How nice that Lane and Deborah Gooden have accepted the pastorate at the Praise Community Church. They were both educated at a Christian University and have lived in Kiowa County since the 80’s and raised their children, Tiffanie and Kenan, here. These former educators have much to offer the community. Lane grew up in the Kim-Pritchett communities and Debbie is from Puerto Rico and New York City. However, she has told me that this western country is the home she really does love now.
There was a big turnout of people for Jane Borns’ birthday party. Her son, Gary Borns, from Hugo and her daughter, Bev Middleton from Lamar were there. They took Jane to see the Picketwire production of “Bonnie and Clyde” in La Junta Friday evening. Cindy Newman, the activity director, had interviewed Jane and wrote a lovely story about Jane’s life that brought tears of remembrance to our eyes.
When I called Zelpha (Woelk) Dienes to discuss about ceramics lessons for the Senior Center, I was encouraged that she is willing to help senior citizens at Eads, Haswell, and the East End when she can learn more about their expectations and supplies. It is quite a time commitment so she needs more information when she can come over from Sheridan Lake to discuss the matter. When I called Friday, they were still not through with the wheat harvest because of so much rain, and her husband said she better not drive the tractor because she might get stuck. She wanted to mow the lawn but might only get the hoses coiled up.
I understand that, since Saturday July 15, when Robin Musgrave and I were driving home from the Ashida Family reunion in Ordway, I have never ever had the experience of driving in such a fierce rain.