Beware of “Say Yes” Phone Calls
The ElderWatch Helpline has been fielding lots of calls about the “Say Yes” scam. Many news reports have warned that a scammer will call and ask a question to get the victim to say “Yes.” Then, reportedly, the scammer records that “Yes” to use it to authorize unwanted charges to a phone bill, utility bill or a credit card.
While many people report that they are getting calls like these followed by a hang up, we have yet to encounter any person who has lost money as a result of this scam call. If you got a call like this and answered “Yes,” don’t panic. Here are some tips about dealing with this possible scam:
What you should know:
- The caller will ask a question that will elicit a “Yes” response, such as “Can you hear me?” or “Is this the head of the household?” Once you say “Yes,” the scammer will hang up.
- Reportedly, the scammer can use this recorded “Yes” to “prove” you approved a charge to a bill or credit card.
What you should do:
- Avoid answering calls from unfamiliar numbers.
- Always closely review your bills and credit card statement for unauthorized charges.
- If you discover an unauthorized charge, call the biller immediately to dispute it.
If you receive what you believe is a scam call, hang up immediately. If you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to contact AARP Foundation Elder Watch volunteers who can help educate you about the potential scam.
For more information, contact and Elder Watch volunteer at 800-222-4444, or visit www.aarpelderwatch.org