Consider a Career in Family Child Care
Have you thought about caring for children in your home to make money? Do you have young children in your home and think that being a family child care provider could be a career you would like to pursue? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, Northeast Colorado Child Care Resource and Referral can help. We offer assistance to potential providers and in some counties we have funding to help pay for the costs to start the business of family child care in your home.
Becoming a licensed child care provider is not difficult and is well worth your time. In addition to being required by law (if you care for more than 1 family other than your own) becoming a licensed child care provider allows you to participate in a federal food program which reimburses you for some of your food expenses. You can gain income tax advantages as well.
If you are providing child care and need to be licensed, or if you are just interested in becoming a licensed child care provider and would like information contact Northeast Colorado Child Care Resource and Referral at 970-848-3867 x 23. Potential providers from throughout Colorado may take part in this training.
Northeast Colorado Child Care Resource and Referral provides services in Cheyenne, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Lincoln, Logan, Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington and Yuma Counties. They are a program of the Rural Communities Resource Center and receive funding from the Colorado Department of Human Services and the Lincoln and Yuma County Departments of Human Services.