East End Events
By Sharon Scott
I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend. I didn't have an article last week, because I didn't want to bother people when they had company and me and the Easter Bunny had other things to do.
Dick, Kyle and I joined my mom, Mary Huddleston; my brothers Mike and Larry and a niece Kerri Bayne and her family for lunch in Lamar on Easter Sunday.
Kelvin, Amy, Alex and Mikayla Schmidt and Freda Schmidt were Easter Sunday dinner guests in the home of Bryan and Dorcas Berggren.
Susan Greenfield went to her dads for Easter weekend. Her sister and husband joined them for dinner on Easter Sunday.
On Good Friday, Cora Coffman; Kelli and Sonny Chavez; and Anthony and Erica Kern and girls were guests of Jeff and Sheila Brase in Cheyenne Wells for an early Easter celebration.
A week ago Wednesday, Cheri Hopkins brother Larry and wife Patty from Missouri came to spend a couple days with her. Robert and Marilyn Hopkins of Dodge City, KS visited with all of them Wednesday afternoon, before returning home. Marilyn Hopkins visited with Mary Huddleston at the Legacy in Lamar on Tuesday afternoon.
Guests of Denis and Theresa Weber for Easter weekend were: Connie Weber, Kathy, Corby and Lexie Knutson and Jerry and Quinton Weber. This past weekend, Theresa traveled to Denver to attend her granddaughter, Jessica Cochran's Bridal Shower.
Last Tuesday, Evan Hopkins went to Woodston, KS to take his father-in-law, Larry Poore for eye surgery. Evan returned home on Friday.
The Melodrama and dinner that was put on by Plainview students, teachers and community members last Friday was very well attended. The food was good and we really enjoyed the melodrama. Congrats to all for a fun evening.
Amanda (Berggren) Johnson was a weekend guest of her parents, Bryan and Dorcas Berggren. On Sunday, Freda Schmidt joined them for dinner and visiting.
On Sunday, a large crowd attended the dinner at the Towner Methodist Church in honor of the Plainview Senior Class. Mikayla Schmidt was the speaker.
Upcoming events:
Apr. 25 4pm Holly baseball (Josh, Benje and Alex) @ Syracuse, KS
Apr. 26 Track and All School pictures
Apr. 27 Dream Big Presentation in Eads
Apr. 28 Prom at KA Hall and after Prom activities
Apr. 29 10am HS Track @ Springfield
Apr. 30 12:30pm Sheridan Lake Bible Church - Plainview Senior dinner
May 3 10am Preschool Graduation and parent lunch
May 4 Elem. Field Day @ Cheyenne Wells
May 6 HS track at Limon
Have a great week!