East End Events
By Sharon Scott
Dick and I would like to send a very special Happy Birthday wish to our son, Mark, who turned 49 last Friday. If our children keep getting older, they will soon catch up with us. (Ha-Ha).
Cora Coffman attended the Junior High track meet in Cheyenne Wells on Thursday to watch her great-grandson, Weslee compete.
Weekend guests of Cora Coffman were her nephew, Nicholas Moulder and his family from Syracuse, Utah. On Saturday, Cora's daughter Sheila Brase and husband Jeff of Cheyenne Wells and her sister, Sally (Moulder) Bradstreet of Scott City, KS joined them for lunch and lots of good visiting.
Susan Greenfield and Cora Coffman went to Lamar on Sunday to shop and Sunday evening Susan and Ruth Fees went to Holly to attend the movie "Beauty and the Beast".
The Ladies Retreat at the Sheridan Lake Bible Church on Friday evening and Saturday was attended by 76 women. Everyone really enjoyed it.
Track meets were the place to be this past week. I went to Johnson, KS to the High School track meet on Monday. On Friday, Susan Greenfield, Sharon and Kristen Arns and I attended the High School track meet in Cheyenne Wells. On Thursday, the High School track team and coach traveled to La Junta to finish the meet that was cancelled the week before due to bad weather. On Saturday, the track team and coach traveled to Limon to compete.
After being out of school for three days last week, due to a gas leak, Plainview finally resumed classes on Thursday. Everything is up and running again. Between four track meets and baseball games for the boys from Plainview who play with Granada and Holly teams and play practice, the kids had a very busy week.
Here is a run down of this weeks upcoming activities. April 10, JH track in Granada; Apr 11, baseball games at Holly (Alex, Josh and Benje) and Granada (Ryan); Apr 12, Career Expo @LCC for 9-12th graders; Apr 13, JH track @ McClave; Apr 13, 6p.m. Community Knowledge Bowl and dinner at Plainview; Apr. 14, Melodrama and dinner at 6p.m. at Plainview and baseball at Granada vs Holly at 10a.m.; Apr. 15, HS track to Springfield. Apr. 16, Easter and no school on Apr. 17. Apr. 18, Granada baseball @ home; Apr. 20 Senior Carnival and dinner at Plainview.
Whew, I'm tired already and the week hasn't started. Have a great