East End Events
I don't really have any news this week. Between Mother's Day and Graduations, no one is home to get news from. Dick is home from having knee replacement surgery last Monday. Tom and I went back to Pueblo and brought him home on Wednesday and it's been a pretty rough time for the last few days. He is getting sassy, so I think he's finally on the road to recovery. We had only been home on Wednesday about an hour when the big rain hit. I've heard of 2" to almost 4" in the area. Moisture is always welcome when it is not destructive.
Grandson, Kyle and I have spent the weekend working on removing the cement floor on our patio. The cement has crumbled so badly that we felt we had to start over. I don't recommend it - it is a lot of back breaking work, but I'm sure we'll enjoy the new floor. We can't bring any heavy equipment over our lawn and sprinkler system, so we break it up with a sledge and haul it off in a wheel barrow. Friday, Saturday and Sunday and we're only half done. Sure glad I have a strong and willing helper like Kyle or it might not have gotten done. Thanks a bunch Kyle for all your hard work!!
The Athletic and Awards night was last Tuesday at Plainview. A potluck supper was held prior to the program. We also had some extra excitement when tornadoes were spotted west of Sheridan Lake and they sent all of us to the locker rooms. Glad nothing bad happened to anyone. Our first responders went out to help if needed and kept us informed at the school when the storm had passed.
This is the last week of school for Plainview and several other schools in the area. Thursday will be the Community BBQ at Plainview. Bring a salad and dessert and join the fun.
Congratulations to the Plainview Senior Class and Eighth Grade Class on their graduation Sunday afternoon. We wish all of them the best in their future endeavors.
Have a great week!!