East End Events
There will be a Baby Shower for Jeanne Smith January 28 from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Plainview School. Jeanne teaches Kindergarten and first grade at Plainview. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Merle, Carol and Lori Shalberg; Denis, Theresa and Connie Weber; and Jerry and Quinton Weber went to Burlington on Saturday for supper to celebrate Merle, Carol and Theresa's birthdays. They had a great time. Happy Birthday and may you have many more!
Friday, Carol Shalberg went to Lakin and went with her son Steve to Meade, Kansas, to watch her grandson Dawsen play basketball.
Vern and JoAnn Harris went to Sydney, Nebraska Thursday. Friday, they went to Sterling to visit their granddaughter Shelbie Watts, husband Adam and their son, Abel. Saturday, they traveled to Las Animas to attend the birthday party for their great-granddaughter Reagan, who turned 3 years old. Happy Birthday Reagan.
Saturday, Larry and Judy Tuttle hosted supper and an evening of playing marbles. Guests were: Connie and Ernie Lambright, Burl and Cathy Scherler and Delmas and June Beaman.
Susan Greenfield reported that the Campbell Soup Label program is no longer happening. She would like to thank everyone who has contributed over the years.
The Plainview Knowledge Bowl Team competed in Manzanola last Friday and placed 5th. Congrats!
The Junior High and High School basketball teams are busy playing ball. The Junior High Tournament will be held in Cheyenne Wells this Tuesday and Thursday. The High School will play at home on Thursday and Friday evenings this week.
Have a great week!!