From the Extension Agent’s Desk
By Jeramy McNeely
Extension Email Blast
The information sent out so far has covered crops, rangeland, grasshoppers, drought management, etc. I’m always in search of different topics such as gardening, tree care, insects, and other information that we have at our disposal. So, if you are reading this and would like to receive information, give us a call or email me and I will get you on the list. If you’re reading this from another county and would like on the list, that would be great too! Some of the information may not concern you but it might prompt you to email me back and ask a question that does interest you. More than likely someone is wondering the same thing! Our contact information is:
CSU Extension Kiowa County
P.O. Box 97
Eads, CO 81036
Office: 719-438-5321
Cell: 719-340-0772
Email Office: coopext_kiowa@mail.colostate.edu
Jeramy Email: jeramy.mcneely@colostate.edu