From the Extension Agent – Drought Planning Resources
Happy 2018 Everyone!
I hope you all had a great Christmas and the New Year is chalked full of new and exciting opportunities!
My vacation was spent doing a lot of welding and finishing some projects. I also spent time out and about on a few ranches visiting and helping them do some projects. All of them had 1 thing in common, we need some moisture.
So, I thought I would begin the new year getting you some information and resources concerning drought management. The last ranch I worked on before coming back to extension had a sticky note one the desk by the phone with "PPPPP" written on it. As you all probably know this is an acronym for Piss Poor Planning Prevents Progress. Most of you are fully aware how true this saying is and it is especially relevant when it comes to having a drought management plan.
Strategies for Cattle Herd During Drought
The above link was developed by CSU Extension's Ag Business Management Team. It allows you to plug in numbers and help you build a plan in the hopefully unnecessary event that you need to use it.
This link allows you to plug in numbers to see if it would be more profitable for you to purchase extra hay or whether selling off some cows is the better option.
These are just of the great resources available for you to use from the ABM Website. There are several other great tools and you can check them out here - ABM Website
We also have literature here in the office concerning drought management strategies. Please come in any time and we will get you what you need.
More often than not, you won't need to utilize your drought management plan, but having one ready is a smart management decision!