
Institute on Aging Encourages you to Get Up and Active for 2017
If exercising more is on the top of your New Year’s resolution list, check out Go4Life—the exercise and physical activity campaign from the National Institute on Aging. The Go4Life website has:
- Information to help you get started with an exercise routine.
- Free, printable tracking tools to help you set goals and monitor your progress.
- Sample exercises.
- Tip sheets on subjects like nutrition, motivation, and exercising safely.
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Twitter: Get moving in 2017 with @NIAGo4Life—the #exercise & physical activity campaign from the National Institute on Aging:
Facebook: Looking to be more active in 2017? Check out Go4Life—the exercise and physical activity campaign from the National Institute on Aging. Visit for sample exercises, printable tracking tools, and information about exercising safely.