Kiowa County 4-H Newsletter
Congratulations Molly!
Molly Stolzenberger was recently elected to serve as Treasurer for the 2017-2018 District VI 4-H Senate. Thank you Molly for representing Kiowa County in such a great way!
Ryan Koeller & Lakota Roberson
Congratulations to our two graduation 4-H Seniors, Ryan Koeller and Lakota Roberson! Both Ryan and Lakota applied for Ellicott 4-H Memorial Scholarship and have been awarded a $250 amount to be applied to their college tuition and costs. We are incredibly proud of you both, and we will miss you next year!
4-H Camp !
Take the challenge !
4-H members 8-12 yrs old can take part in Food Preservation, Team Building, Campfire Cooking, Mapping, First Aid and more! June 14-15 at the Colorado State Fair-grounds, cost is $25 and includes meals, workshop materials and a t-shirt. Registration is now open, deadline is May 19th, and camp is limited to the first 100 youth to sign up. Youth wishing to apply as a counselor may contact the Extension Office.
State Fair Exhibit Requirements
The 2017 Colorado State Fair Exhibit Requirements have been updated. You may find them at :
http://www.colorado4h.org/project_resources/ StateFairExhibitReq.pdf
Please be sure to refer to the exhibit requirements when you are planning your project. These requirements will be used in judging at both county and state fairs.
Creative Cooks & Cake Decorators!
Both contests will be held at the Event Center on the Arkansas Valley Fairgrounds in Rocky Ford on June 8th at 6:00 p.m. Complete contest requirements can be found at www.colorado4h.org. Entries are due in the Extension Office by 4:30 p.m. on June 1st.
Performing Arts & Demonstration
The District VI Performing Arts & Demonstration Con-test will be held Thursday, July 13th at 6 p.m. at the Crow-Luther Cultural Center. For contest rules visit the State Fair Contest Requirements on the State 4-H website. Entry forms and other information will be available soon from the office.
‘Be Somebody’ Day Camp
This camp is focused on personal & leadership
Development, and is open to members ages 11-13. The camp will be Wednesday, May 31st at the Community Center in Burlington, cost is $10 and includes a t-shirt.
Registration is open on 4-H Online, and deadline is May 1st.
New Southeast Area Website
The Southeast Area Extension has a new website. Check out http://sea.extension.colostate.edu/ for Southeast Area related information
4-H Ford Truck Raffle
The Rocky Mountain Ford Dealers have generously donated a 2017 Ford F-150 XLT 4x4 Super Crew truck to the Colorado 4-H Foundation for the 2017 raffle. More prizes will be awarded in conjunction with this raffle. Raffle tickets will be available through your county Extension office.
Camp Rocky
Camp Rocky is a week long, residential camp for youth ages 14-19 who enjoy the outdoors and are interested in natural resources. Camp Rocky staff help participants learn about their environment, while working in teams and meeting other youth from across Colorado. Campers choose one of the following resource fields for their area of focus: Forest Management, Rangeland Science, Soil and Water Conservation, Fish and Wildlife Management, and Recreation Management. Camp Rocky will be held July 9-15 near Di-vide, Colorado. The cost is $350. Full and partial scholarships are available through local conservation districts. Registration is due June 1st. For more information go to http://www.coloradoacd.org/camp-rocky.html.
Code of Conduct
Colorado State University wants to provide an environment that is safe and proper for all of its 4-H participants. The code of con-duct is not intended to restrict participation, but rather to enhance it so that all can receive the full benefit and educational experience from events and activities. The code of conduct spells out how 4-Hers, parents, and leaders are expected to conduct themselves when participating in 4-H activities.
As a reminder, the State 4-H Code of Conduct form was included with your enrollment materials. When you signed the enrollment, you were stating that you had read the code of conduct and agree to comply with the rules and regulations set forth in the code of conduct.
The Code of Conduct can be found on the state 4-H website, along with event etiquette and information on sportsmanship for participants, parents, and spectators. Let’s all work to make each and every 4-H event or activity a positive experience for everyone involved.