Kiowa County Commissioner’s Meeting December 14, 2017
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
The Kiowa County Commissioner’s Regular Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Richard Scott on December 14, 2017. Oswald opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Those in attendance were:
Richard Scott, Chairman; - Cindy McLoud, Commissioner; - Donald Oswald, Commissioner; - Delisa Weeks, County Clerk; - Tina Adamson, County Administrator
Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to approve the vouchers as presented, excluding one. It will be held for clarification. Motion carried.
Scott moved and Oswald seconded the motion to approve the amended agenda with the following additions OLD BUSINESS: Lakes Update and Passing Lanes on Hwy. 287 and in NEW BUSINESS Bustang starting in Lamar. Motion carried.
Ryan Sneller, Maintenance man for the TV Tower entered the meeting to discuss the generator at the tower site. Malcolm George with Stand by Power met with Sneller to discuss the condition of the current generator. George said the generator is now obsolete the county should look at purchasing a generator in or by 2019.
Grant Updates: All deliverables for the 2015 Historical Grant is complete. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to approve work order change #004. Motion carried. Work order #004 is for the windows on the second story in the southeast corner of the Murdock Project.
Oswald provided updates on the Murdock Project.
9:45 A.M. Phyllis and L.D. Nelson, Belinda Groner, Barbara, Cindy and Leo Hernandez entered the meeting as part of the audience. They were in attendance to listen to Representative Kimmi Lewis.
Representative Kimmi Lewis entered the meeting at 9:55 a.m.to discuss the current issues in legislation. Ms. Lewis has great concern over the National Heritage Area and HB 1065, the Metropolitan District Bill, which she did get successfully signed in March of 2017. After lengthy discussion Lewis said she would forward more information to the BOCC. Oswald brought the small landfill issues up. Lewis said she has been looking into this also. Lewis thanked the BOCC and excused herself and her audience.
Landfill Updates: Administrator Adamson reported that Road Foreman Howard had completed dirt samples from the Eads Landfill and will forward onto the Colorado Department of Health. Adamson reported that CDPHE would like to meet again to review the consent order over the closure of the Haswell landfill.
Josh Emick and Shane Koyle with the USDA Predator Control Program met with the commissioners and provided updates from this last year. Josh Emick is the local contact person for our area. His phone number is 719-468-6291. Emick reported that he has completed several coyote and skunk calls in this area. Discussion followed with prairie dog control. Emick said in some cases a person must hold a private applicator license to do some forms of prairie dog control. Emick and Koyle thanked the BOCC and exited the meeting at 11:25 a.m.
Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to sign the Work and Financial Plan Service Agreement # 15-7308-5504-RA with APHIS. Motion carried. This allows the county to help fund the wildlife damage management program for the citizens of Kiowa County, Colorado.
Planning & Zoning Updates/1041 Regulations: Adamson has received all the changes the county attorney recommended. These changes will be reviewed by the BOCC and will be voted on at a later date.
Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to recess for lunch at 11:52 a.m. Motion carried. The regular meeting reconvened at 1:00 p.m.
Social Service Director Dennis Pearson entered the meeting to present the 2019 contract with Don Steerman. Steerman agreed to continue to be the attorney for the Kiowa County Department of Social Services. Oswald moved to accept Don Steerman as the attorney for DSS at $110.00 per hour. McLoud seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Pearson reported the Christmas Project is almost completed and that people have been very generous this year as far as donations. Pearson exited the meeting at 1:20 p.m.
Lakes: Adamson reported that Parks and Wildlife will be assisting in the continuation of Kiowa County receiving more water into the lakes. Discussion followed on updating the boat ramps.
Railroad Updates: The commissioners are still waiting to hear if the railroad has been purchased or not.
Passing Lanes: McLoud had spoken with Pat Ward, Cheyenne County Commissioner in regards to passing lanes on Highway 287 between Eads and Kit Carson. Scott will meet with Commissioner Ward in the near future to discuss this further.
Sheriff Sheridan entered the meeting at 1:30 p.m. to update the commissioners on the Courthouse Security Grant and the Town of Eads Agreement. The Security Grant will allow for one Security Officer’s salary and benefit package, the purchase of a new metal detector and panic alarms for the courthouse. Sheriff Sheridan also discussed the agreement with the Town of Eads and Kiowa County. The Sheriff reported the Town of Eads is going to fund the purchase of a new patrol car and the plan is to trade it out every three years. It will be insured and tagged through the county. McLoud moved to accept the agreement between the Town of Eads and the Sheriff’s Office, Oswald seconded the motion. Motion carried. Oswald said the County would like to thank the Town of Eads for this purchase.
NEW BUSINESS: Meetings and Reports were reviewed. The White Construction progress report and walk through on the Murdock Project will be on December 19, 2017.
Time off Requests: Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to approve the one time off request. Motion carried.
GOCO Resolution: McLoud moved and Oswald seconded to approve Resolution 2017-06. Motion carried. This resolution is in support of reauthorization by the General Assembly to approve the Colorado Lottery Division, which directs that lottery profits be used for parks, open space, wildlife and for outdoor recreation purposes.
Jolynn Idler, with the Prowers/Kiowa County Health Services entered the meeting to present the Intergovernmental Agreement for the 2018 year. Idler was not on the agenda. Scott moved and Oswald seconded the motion to add Idler to the agenda. Motion carried. Oswald moved and Scott seconded the motion to approve the IGA for Public Health in Kiowa County for 2018. Motion carried. Ms. Idler exited the meeting at 02:50 p.m.
Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to sign the Financial Application with CAT Financial Services. Motion carried.
Fire District/Firehouse Power Upgrade Estimate: McLoud moved and Oswald seconded the motion to approve the cascade upgrade in the Eads firehouse. Motion carried.
Transit Van Purchase: The van has been ordered and will be ready shortly after the new year.
SECED Feasibility Study: There was further discussion on the possibility of a Cobblestone Convention type motel going in at Lamar. The investors of the Eads Cobblestone will be contacting the parent company and voicing their concerns in regards to another Cobblestone going in and possibly hurting our local Cobblestone.
Holiday Ad: Commissioners agreed to have a Christmas ad put in the Kiowa County Press. The commissioners will pay for the ad themselves.
Bustang Outrider Bus Service: CDOT will have a bus service that will run Monday- Friday with one trip per day, connecting Pueblo to Lamar from the Welcome Center in Lamar. A cash fee of $21.00 each way or a $42.00 round trip fee will be collected daily. The bus will depart from Lamar at 7:48 a.m. and will return by 6:48 p.m. the same day. This service will begin January 2, 2018.
Ann-Marie Crampton with Lamar Community College entered the meeting to discuss the COSI Scholarship. Crampton said the scholarships will remain the same for 2018 and the county’s portion will be $2,000.00. Crampton enlightened the commissioners of a few new programs the college will be offering beginning in 2018. Crampton thanked the BOCC and exited the meeting at 3:50 p.m.
The next regular Commissioner Meeting will be December 28, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
With no other discussion on the agenda, McLoud moved and Oswald seconded to adjourn the meeting at 4:00 p.m. Motion carried.
Delisa L. Weeks, County Clerk Richards Scott, Chairman