Kiowa County Hospital District Board Meeting Minutes - March 28, 2017
The Kiowa County Hospital District and County Board met in regular session on March 28, 2017 at 6:34 p.m. at the Bransgrove Building Meeting Room.
District Board members present were: Robert Woods, Mary Eikner, Sylvia Shields, Priscilla Waggoner and Cathryn Anderson.
County Board members present were: Lori Shalberg, John Negley and Dennis Pearson. Absent: Kim Harris (called) and Craig Kerfoot (called).
Others present: Shannon Dixon, Dreama Buck, Tanya Lane, Ginger McPherson, Wendy McDowell, Braylynn Eder, Jodi Stolzenberger, Char Korrell, Mary Ellen Engelhardt, Alysha Morlan, Doug Uhland and Bobbi Uhland.
The meeting was called to order by Waggoner, Chairman of the Board.
COUNTY VOTING MEMBERS: Shalberg, Negley and Pearson
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made to approve the March 10, March 16 and February 28 minutes by Shields and Negley seconded it. All aye.
AGENDA: Add Other – Meeting Place, Vouchers. A motion was made by Shalberg to approve the Agenda as amended and it was seconded by Woods. All aye.
A motion was made by Anderson that we go into executive session to consider personnel matters pursuant to and as permitted by CRS 24-6-402(4)(f)(I) and Negley seconded it. All aye.
Executive session was convened at 6:40 pm.
The meeting was returned to regular session at 7:38 pm
FINANCE COMMITTEE: The February financials were reviewed. The AR has improved a lot this month. We have collected a lot of the old stuff. We received $497,214.71 in meaningful use incentive this month. We are still working with Medicaid to get the new portal set up and usable. The check register was reviewed.
GRANT COMMITTEE: Waggoner has called El Pomar to see if they have any available grant money. She is waiting to hear from them. We should have one more payment to Emerald. The walk through was completed last week and there are a few minor things that need to be fixed. The CT is installed and training is happening this week. We will be making a payment on the CT this week also.
DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Buck reported on Central Supply/Pharmacy. She explained that she gets quotes, researches prices, orders and receives stock and verifies invoices to be paid. She is a Certified Pharmacy Tech and assists the Pharmacist Casey Clark. Clark attends one Med Staff per quarter and calls in to the others. Drugs on our formulary are always in stock. Non-formulary drugs are usually purchased from Kiowa Drug. She is working on getting all drugs in individual packaging. She checks outdates and sends them off for credits. We purchased our Cactus sink with credits. She oversees the black box hazardous management for pharmacy waste. She adds drugs to the EMR with prices. She does inventory at year end for the auditor. She updates the MSDS.
Englehardt is the Radiology Director. Radiology does x-rays, holter monitors and EKG’s. They are currently learning how to run the CT machine. The Radiology equipment is not on the generator. Our generator does not have the capacity to handle the x-ray and CT. Engelhardt prepares the on-call schedule each month. She also helps in other departments as needed.
Charlene Korrell will be the Interim Chief Executive Officer until we fill the position.
Dr. Yakel, Podiatrist, was up for renewal. Shalberg made a motion to approve credentialing for Dr. Yakel and Woods seconded it. All aye.
We have policies for Quality Assurance, Risk Management, Patient Safety, EMR and 340B for review this month. A motion was made by Shalberg to approve policies presented and Anderson seconded it. All aye.
PROVIDER RECRUITMENT: Arthur Marshall said they had a physician interested, but they have had no more contact with him. We may need to look things over and make some adjustments in what we want.
FOUNDATION: Eikner talked to our attorney about starting a foundation. The set-up cost would be around $2,500 to $5,000. You can use the same board members and would have to be a 501C3. He stated that donations to a governmental entity should be considered tax deductible.
ECU & HOSPITAL REPORT: We had no hospital infections, we had two falls, one with injury. We currently have 16 residents and three swing beds. We are very low on C.N.A.’s and might have to start using some pools.
Korrell stated that Dr. Feinsod commends our staff and said that our residents are very well cared for. Dr. Feinsod has stepped down as Medical Director. We have talked to Stephanie Green and she is willing to start seeing residents. Dr. Feinsod will still consult for us and help Stephanie.
We saw 270 people at the Health Fair last week. We will be seeing employees and volunteers next week.
If you want to change the meeting place, it needs to be voted on and we will need to change our notifications. A motion was made by Shields to have our meetings at the Bransgrove Building upstairs meeting room and Eikner seconded it. All aye.
Dixon asked if we could advertise for the CEO position at least on our website. It was decided that we can put an ad on our website.
We have two vouchers for traveling expense and motel and conference fees. Eikner motel and conference fee in Golden for $524.90 and Waggoner mileage to conference in Denver for $159.28. A motion was made by Shalberg to approve the travel vouchers and Anderson seconded it. All aye. Eikner and Waggoner abstained.
We are getting ready for the 340B audit and may need to contact Tristen Sheridan for assistance with this, since she did most of the work on the 340B program. The Board said that this would be okay and Char Korrell will work out a rate for Tristen’s time.
A motion was made by Anderson that we go into executive session to consider personnel matters pursuant to and as permitted by CRS 24-6-402(4)(f)(I) and Shalberg seconded it. All aye.
Executive session was convened at 8:35 p.m.
The meeting was returned to regular session at 9:14 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kiowa County Hospital District Board
Sylvia Shields, Secretary-Treasurer