Kiowa County Vouchers - April 2017
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
The following vouchers were paid at the Regular Meetings held on APRIL 10, 2017 and APRIL 27, 2017 to be paid out of 2017 Budget to wit:
Town of Eads Eads Municipal Pool Donation $1,000.00
4 Rivers Equipment Brownfields-Equipment Rental $6,350.00
Town of Eads Demolition Water $222.80
Zink and Associates Murdock Building Grant $6,640.00
Plains Network Services, Inc Fair Board-Office Supply $69.00
CHP - CTSI Health, Dental, Vision & Suppl Life $532.17
Kiowa County Treasurer Fed & Fica Tax Withheld, State Withheld, Retirement Withheld, Offset for Direct Deposit $17,115.94
CDPHE Public Health Vital Statistics $63.25
Colorado State Treasurer Unemployment Insurance $55.17
Eastern Slope Rural Telephone Telephone & Internet- $159.92
Kiowa County Independent Printing/Advertising $55.80
Kiowa County Press Printing/Advertising $15.00
Network Imaging PH-Toner $367.43
Prowers County Office Rent $76.28
Prowers County Public Health & Environment Health Services $746.65; Prof service EPR-Grant 1596.04: $2,344.69
Kris Stokke EPR $6,666.67
Town of Eads Water $82.67
UniFirst P/H Nurse Office Supplies $78.22
SECPA Utility $113.96
VISA Office Supply $4.32, Fuel $41.10, Travel/Mtg $43.00, Training $867.37, Dues $30.00 $985.79
CDPHE Vital Statistics $60.00
E-470 Public Highway Authority Travel $7.40
Kiowa County Treasurer Fed & Fica Tax Withheld, State Withheld, Retirement Withheld, Offset for Direct Deposit $6,131.97
Kiowa County National Bank HSA Deposit $249.00
Pit Stop Oil Fuel for CHE Equinox $66.37
Verizon Data Hot Spot $40.01
CHP - CTSI Health Insurance Withheld $1,108.00
Viaero Wireless PH/MCG Phone $116.43
A-1 Rental & Sales of Lamar, Inc. Sheriff-Small Equipment $87.25
Atmos Energy Natural Gas $656.46
Bent County Sheriff Sheriff-Dispatch $1,925.00
Brown Funeral Home Autopsy Transport $500.00
Colorado State Treasurer Unemployment Insurance $430.30
Crow's Stop & Shop Eads SRS $89.93 Bldg Maint; $37.20; Sheriff-Training $30.00 $160.03
District Attorney Salaries $1749.33 Elected Official $195.25; Operating Supplies $532.08 $2,476.66
Denver Marriott West Veteran's Travel $516.00
Dinkel Gas Company, LLC Towner Snrs-Propane $471.50
DW Waste Management Trash Services $6,855.00
Eads Auto Supply Bldg Maint Repairs $602.79; Bldg Maint Supplies $69.60; Bldg Maint Sm Tools $122.11; Machine Repairs $130.53; Ground Repairs $317.45;Comm Build Repairs $86.09; Extension Repairs $339.99; Sheriff Auto Repairs/supplies $38.40; Fire Dept. Repairs $21.16, Repairs $585.34 $2,313.46
Eads Consumer Supply Co. Sheriff Fuel $38.72; Sheriff Auto Repair $200.75; Fire Dept. Fuel $60.98; DEM Supplies $12.57, TVAN Fuel $127.52 $440.54
Eastern Slope Rural Telephone Telephone & Internet for Courthouse $1,434.68
Fair Point Communications TNRSRS Telephone $37.15
Gobin's Inc. Service Agreement $72.76
Jack Howard Ambulance Contract Labor $350.00
Kansas Land Tire Fire Dept. Tires $609.78
Kiowa County National Bank Sheriff Office /Cars $1028.03; Sheriff Office/Trucks $1016.99; Admin Lease PFMT $531.25 $2,576.27
(incorrect vendor listed) Admin Legal Notice $213.40; Landfill Ads $22.50, Legal Pub $42.68; Admin Printing $83.85; DEM Ads/Printing $45.00 $407.43
Miller Auto Parts Sheriff Repairs $138.99
Postmaster DEM-Box Rent $52.00
Precision Pest Control, Inc Towner Pest Spray $159.00
Prowers County Public Health & Environment CG Environmental Health Service $1,520.00
Prowers County Jail Prisoner Keep $4900.00, Medical $105.99 $5,005.99
Prowers Medical center Jail/Prisoner Medical $308.00
Ranchers Supply of Lamar Fire Repairs $132.42
Connie Richardson Deputy Coroner Duties $150.00
SECPA Utilities $2,189.28
Share Corporation Maintenance Bldg Supplies $327.84
State Chemical Solutions Bldg Supplies $763.51
State of Colorado DPA Accounting Clerk/ Statement $74.69 Statement $7.17 $81.86
Thunderbird Petroleum Products TWNR Fire /Repairs $176.37 TWNR Fire /Fuel $273.53 $449.90
Town of Eads Eads SNRS Water $82.67; Courthouse Water $172.27 $254.94
Towner Recreation District Towner SRS Utilities $150.00
Tri County Ford Sheriff Auto Repairs $363.65
Tri-County GMC Sheriff-Auto Repairs $78.00
UniFirst CG Building Supplies $576.23
USDA-APHIS Wildlife Contract $1,204.56
VISA-Girard National Bank Extension-Repairs $1059.59; Maint-Com Room Repairs $251.00; E-Waste Trailer-$24.42; FD Fund-Uniforms $847.94; T-VAN Car Wash $6.00, Fuel-$32.78, Trill/Tolls $35.00;Admin Office Supply-$131.00; Fire Dept. Travel-$122.46; Landfill Test Wells-$61.36, E-Waste Recycle-$906.68; DEM-Emerge Plan $295.98, Fuel $104.50, Travel $10.44; Sheriff Operating Supplies-$272.68, Travel Meals $8.46, Sm Equipment-$333.00, Fuel-$92.93, Internet-$55.99, Ammo-$91.00, Supplies $280 09, Prisoner Transport-$26.10 $4,924.20
West End Golden Seniors Utilities $306.94
Wholesale Jobber Maintenance Bldg Supplies $439.95
A-1 Rental & Sales of Lamar Fire Dept. Repairs $24.95
APEX Companies, LLC Landfill-Test Wells $6,373.37
Brown Funeral Home Autopsy $250.00
Business Solutions Leasing Admin-Service Agreement $176.43
CHP Health, Dental, Vision, Suppl Life $22,498.06
Colorado Coroner's Conference 3 Registrations @ $400.00 each $1,200.00
Colorado State University Extension Extension-CSU COOP $8,792.25
Condent Business Services, LLC Tres- Rental Contract-$1274.46,Assr-Rental Contract-$1274.46 $2,548.92
Conservation Trust Fund Lake Clean Up Ads $104.60
Crow's Stop and Shop Eads Snrs-Hobby/Meat $68.57, Health Choices-food Vouchers $60.00 $128.57
Deines Automotive Sheriff-Auto repairs $1,020.00
DeLoach's Water Conditioning, Inc Seniors-Water Treatment $19.50
Derek's LP Service LLC Towner Fire-Propane $164.32
DigitCom Electronics Fire Dept.-Supplies $216.93
Eads Consumer Supply Fire Dept.- Repairs $54.50
El Paso County Autopsy-3 X $1400.00 $4,200.00
Haswell Fire Dept. Annual Contribution $600.00
J & J Tire Service Sheriff-Auto repairs $986.00
Kiowa County Fair board Transfer To Fair Board Per Agreement $36,000.00
Kiowa County Treasurer State FED/FICA w/Held Retirement W/held, to offset Direct Deposit $68,180.01
Kiowa National Bank HAS Deposit $518.00
Legal Shield Elective Benefits $12.95
Wendy McDowell Deputy Coroner Call $100.00
Parker Mechanical Towner Fire Dept.-Repairs $1,371.25
Petty Cash Sheriff-Postage Freight $153.26
Plains Network Services, Inc. Assr-Office Supplies $63.00, Tres.-Office Supply $20.60 $83.60
Quill Corporation Admin-Office Supplies $112.38
Road & Bridge Ladfll-Repairs $.79, Fuel-$77.00, Diesel $215.94; Bldg Maint-Gas $50.75; Fire Dept.-Repairs/Tires $472.46; Towner Snrs-Utilities $150.00 $966.94
Connie Richardson Deputy Coroner Call $100.00
Patricia Roper Veteran's- Reimburse mileage $120.32
Shinn, Steerman & Shinn County Attorney-Services $2,295.00
Sheridan Lake Fire Dept. Annual Contribution $600.00
Squad Room Emblems Sheriff-Uniforms $127.50, Postage/Freight-$12.05, Sheriff Credit on Postage -$18.06 $121.49
State of Colorado Postage $75.04
Towner Fire Dept. Donation from SECPA/SECOM $500.00
Tri County Ford Sheriff-Repairs $42.96
Verizon DEM-Cell Phone $146.26
Viaero Wireless Landfill-$39.03, Maint-$123.06, Sheriff-$338.13 $500.22
Delisa Weeks Training- Mileage Reimbursement $110.72
Amy Weirich Assr-Travel Reimbursement $13.76
Western Cartographers Kiowa County Plats $120.00
WEX Bank Sheriff- Auto Fuel $1,977.58
Wheatland Electric Cooperative Towner-Streetlight & Emergency Siren $66.96
Billie Cordova Rental $250.00
4 Rivers Equipment Equipment Repairs $1,495.64
ACE Tire Service Tires $301.00
ATMOS Energy Gas $117.93
Floyd Barnes Gravel $1,936.25
Bruckner's Repairs $131.41
CAT Financial Services Corp. Equipment Payments $6,807.48
Colorado Natural Gas Inc. Sheridan Lake Shop -Gas $205.01
Colorado State Treasurer Unemployment Insurance $341.39
Crow's Stop and Shop Supplies $7.99
Eads Auto Supply & Hardware Supplies, Repairs, Filters & Small Tools $3,219.10
Eads Consumer Supply Fuel, Supplies and Tires $15,421.31
Eastern Slope Telephone Telephone $76.24
Fairpoint Telephone Telephone $41.94
Haswell Propane Fuel $3,035.64
Kiowa Healthmart RB/Admin-Office Supplies $2.11
Lamar Auto Parts Equipment Repairs $385.03
Lamar Starter & Generator Service Equipment Repairs $78.00
Martin Pipe & Steel RB-Cattle Guard $280.50
Professional Compliance & Testing LLC Physicals $123.00
R & M Auto Parts, Inc Equipment Repairs $244.15
Ranchers Supply of Lamar, LLC Equipment Repairs $43.98
Rockmount Repairs $1,620.61
Rother Pit-Lochurst Farms LLP Gravel $775.25
SECPA Electricity $830.42
Sheridan Lake Water Water $382.50
Thunderbird Petroleum Products Repairs $341.54
Town of Eads Water $246.83
Town of Eads 2016 R & B HUTF-Due to Town $4,312.69
Town of Haswell 2016 R & B HUTF-Due to Town $731.22
Town of Sheridan Lake 2016 R & B HUTF-Due to Town $802.13
UniFirst Mats, Uniforms and Supplies $886.08
Valley Truck Parts Repairs $17.50
Bruckner Truck Sales Outside Repairs $11,677.89
CHP Health, Dental, Vision, Life & Sup Ins $18,191.30
Billie Cordova Cordova Lease $250.00
Elisa Crockett Drug testing Admin-Physicals $90.00
Andy Flints Admin-TV Tower Repair $590.00
John Deere Credit Equipment Pymnts, Fleet Tax, Registrations $6,789.86
Kiowa County Treasurer State/FED/FICA $35,158.36
Kiowa National Bank HAS Deposit Clearing $1,154.00
Newman Traffic Signs Maint-Supplies/Signs $323.58
Merle Shalberg Supplies $275.00
Town of Haswell Water $235.70
ATTEST: Delisa L. Weeks, County Clerk
During the regular meetings of the Kiowa County Board of Social Services held during June, 2016, the following bills were approved for payment:
County Administration $17,906.98 $16,075.58 $1,831.40
General Assistance $- $- $-
Medicaid Transportation $3,374.68 $3,374.68 $-
Payroll/Benefits/Travel $-
Submitted by Dennis Pearson, Director, Kiowa County Department of Social Services.
/s/ Dennis Pearson 07/11//2016
ATTEST: Delisa L. Weeks, County Clerk
APPROVED: Richard Scott, Chairman