Kiowa County Vouchers - March 2017
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
The following vouchers were paid at the Regular Meetings held on March 14, 2017 and March 28, 2017 to wit:
Waldin Mills Group Con Trust-Towner Kiosk $3,000.00
American Family Life Cancer Insurance Withheld
CHP - CTSI Health Insurance Withheld $532.17
Colonial Insurance Accident Insurance Withheld $6.92
Kiowa County Treasurer State Fed/FICA Tax Withheld, Retirement Withheld, To Offset Direct Deposit $19,922.07
CDPHE Public Health Vital Statistics $95.75
Prowers County CMG-Office Rent-$76.28, Supplies-$110.00 $186.28
S.E.C.P.A. PH-Utilities $109.37
Kris Stokke EPR-Contract $6,666.67
Town of Eads PH-Water $82.67
Unifirst Corporation PH-Office Supplies $78.22
Viaero Wireless PH-Phone $99.13
VISA-Girard National Bank CMG-Trvl Mtg-$546.66, Education-$283.43, Fuel $30.81 $860.90
CHP Health, Life, Dental, Vision and Supplemental Insurance $2,483.05
Eastern Slope Rural Telephone EPR Phone-$54.64, P/H $109.25 $163.89
Kiowa County Treasurer State/Fed/FICA W/held Retirement W/held to offset Direct Deposit $6,544.64
Kiowa County National Bank HSA Deposit Clearing $429.00
Pit Stop Oil, LLC Chevy Equinox -3 Transaction of Fuel $63.18
Verizon PH/CMG-Data Hot Spot $40.01
Kiowa County Independent Fair- Advertising $45.00
Hickman Trailer Landfill-E-Waste $4,480.00
ACS Treas-Rental Con $1,214.32; Assr-Rental Contract $1,214.32 $2,428.64
APEX Companies, LLC Landfill-Test Wells $3,450.25
Atmos Energy Utilities $806.56
Bent County Sheriff Sheriff-Dispatch $1,925.00
Business Solutions Admin-Contract $176.43
Colorado Secretary of State Election-Travel Meeting $60.00
Colo. State University Extension Extension-CSU COOP Ext $8,792.25
Crow's Stop and Shop Bldg Maint-Supplies $142.85
Crow's Stop and Shop Bldg Maint-Supplies
District Attorney Salaries, Operating Supplies, $2,476.66
DeLoach's Water Conditioning, Inc. Seniors-Water Treatment $19.50
E-470 Highway Authority T-Van Travel $11.10
Eads Auto Supply Maint-Repairs $44.19, Supplies $1,321.75, Sm Tools $7.68; Landfill-Supplies $83.70; Sheriff-Auto Repairs $.68, Sm Equip-$71.33, Camera Repairs-$16.76; Fire Dept.-Repairs $244.91; Maint-Fairground Repairs-$212.84 $2,003.84
Eads Consumer Supply Fire Dept.-Fuel $196.54; Repairs-$48.00 T-Van-Fuel $105.20 $349.74
Eads Medical Clinic Transit-Physicals $134.00
Eastern Slope Rural Telephone Telephone $1,481.26
Fairpoint Communications Towner Telephone $37.08
Gobin's Inc. Admin-Service Agreement $72.76
Great American Financial Services Sheriff-Office Supplies $56.49
High Plains Energy, LLC Bldg Maint- Towner Rec Propane
Jack Howard Ambulance-Contract Labor $350.00
KCEDF Donation-Dream Big Aerospace Day $500.00
Kiowa County Independent Treas-Legal/Pub-$149.18; Admin-Adv./Printing $148.00; Legal/Pub $950.00; Landfill-Advertising $38.70 $1,322.28
Kiowa Healthmart Sheriff-Postage $19.98; Eads Snrs-Hobby Supplies $5.07, $25.05
Kiowa County National Bank Sheriff- Service Cars $1028.03; Debt Service Trucks $1,016.99; Admin-Lease Payment-$531.25 $2,576.27
Kiowa County Press Admin-Ad/Printing $37.50 $37.50
Lamar BMS Maint-Community Bldg Repair $134.82
LAVAAA 2017 Annual Dues
Plains Network Services Clerk-Office Supplies $29.80
Prowers County Jail Jail-Prisoner Keep 4800.00 Prisoner Med/Dr $61.98 $4,861.98
Ranchers Supply of Lamar LLC Fire-Repairs $71.62
Saul's Creek Equipment, Inc. Maintenance Contract $3,420.00
S.E.C.P.A. Utilities $2,000.74
Stop Stick, LTD Sheriff- Sm Equip-$624.00, Freight-$22.00 $646.00
Thunderbird Petroleum Products Fire Dept.-Repairs $452.01
State of Colorado CLERK- Postage $80.52
Town of Eads Utilities $209.04
Towner Recreation District Towner Seniors-Utilities $150.00
Tri-County Ford GMC Sheriff -Auto Repairs $467.56
Unifirst Corporation CG-Bldg Supplies $570.98
Viaero Sheriff-Telephone $337.42
VISA Admin-Supplies #30.35; Landfill-E-Waste $1048.60, Training $57.90; Maint-Com Rm Bldg Blinds-$550.57; T-Van-Fuel $37.50; Sheriff-Case Prep $70.50, Train Tests-$28.99, Misc.-$68.39, Trvl Lodge-$9.13, Uniforms $89.99,Postage $6.95, Jail Prisoner Keep-$127.58, Prisoner Transport $45.01 $2,507.11
Weis Fire & Safety Equipment, Inc. Fire Dept.-Repairs $165.32; Operating Supplies $732.00 $897.32
West End Golden Seniors Seniors-Utilities $300.00
ACCA c/o Tonya McCann ACCA Membership Dues 2017 $100.00
County Health Pool (CHP) Health, Dental Life, Vision and Supplemental Insurance $22,498.98
Colorado Bureau of Investigation Sheriff-Misc. $105.00
Colorado State Patrol Sheriff-Capital Outlay $6,000.00
Colonial Supplemental Insurance Elective Benefits $128.85
Eads Chamber of Commerce Refund Community Snow Goose Fest $100.00
Gonzales's Unlimited T-Van Auto Repairs $483.40
Kiowa County Treasurer State/Fed/FICA W/held Retirement W/held, to Offset Direct Deposit $75,724.09
Kiowa National Bank HSA Deposit Clearing $518.00
Legal Shield Elective Benefits $12.95
Michael's Service Com Bldg-Repairs $240.00
Neve's Equipment & Uniforms Sheriff- Uniforms $371.90
Ogallala Commons Inc. 2017 Youth Entrepreneurship Fair $200.00
ProForce Law Enforcement Sheriff-Ammo $430.11
Quill Corporation Clerk-Office Supplies $87.26
Kiowa County Road & Bridge T-Van Repairs $20.24; Landfill-Repairs $46.44, Fuel $42.00, Diesel-$272.13; Bldg Maint-Fuel $65.63 $446.44
SECPA Maintenance-Bldg Repairs $166.47
Shinn, Steerman, & Shinn County Attorney-Legal Fee $112.50
Verizon DEM-Cell Phone $146.20
Viaero Wireless Landfill-Phone$38.95, Maint-Phone $122.90 $161.85
Weisbrod Hospital Sheriff-Case Prep $61.50
WEX Bank Sheriff-Auto Fuel $1,075.60
Wheatland Electric Cooperative Towner Streetlight/Siren $192.49
Ryan Sneller RB/Admin TV Contract $4,125.00
4 Rivers Equipment Repairs and Outside Repairs $1,470.65
Airgas USA, LLC Supplies $23.59
Atmos Energy Gas Utility $157.09
Barnett Pit-Bill Barnett Gravel $3,410.00
Bluetarp Financial, Inc. Equipment Repairs $39.99
Bruckner Truck Sales Equipment Repairs $161.15
CAT Financial Services Corp. Equipment Payments $6,807.48
Cintas Corp Supplies
Colorado Natural Gas Inc. Utilities-Gas Sheridan Lake Shop $206.17
Crow's Stop and Shop RB/ Supplies $7.99
Dinkel Gas Company, LLC Propane
Eads Auto Supply & Hardware Supplies, Repairs Filters, Small Tools $1,492.89
Eads Consumer Supply Supplies, Fuel and Tires $7,539.54
Eastern Slope Rural Telephone Telephone $78.96
Fairpoint Communications Telephone-Sheridan Lake $39.85
Haswell Propane & fuel Repairs and Outside Repairs $5.71
Jack Howard Equipment Tires and Fuel $129.76
Rother Pit-Lochurst Farms LLP Gravel $374.00
MHC Kenworth-Pueblo Outside Repairs $123.35
S.E.C.P.A. Utilities $885.09
Sheridan Lake Water Company Admin-Water $30.00
Thunderbird Petroleum Products Supplies, Repairs and Fuel $15,073.27
Town of Eads Fairgrounds Water $257.33
Town of Haswell RB-Water $35.00
Unifirst Corporation Mats, Uniforms, and Supplies $832.37
Woller Auto Parts, Inc. RB-Repairs $80.00
Ark Valley Diesel Equipment $377.53
CHP Health, Dental, Life, Vision, & Supplemental Insurance $16,120.50
Colonial Supplemental Insurance Elective Benefits $30.24
Dissco Road Oil $1,659.00
John Deere Credit Equipment Payments $6,368.66
Kansasland Tire Tires $472.46
Kiowa County Treasurer State/Fed/FICA W/held, Retirement W/held, to Offset Direct Deposit $35,475.54
Kiowa County National Bank HSA Deposit $856.00
MHC Kenworth - Pueblo Repairs $396.83
Curtis Pettitt CDL Physical $100.00
Wagner Equipment Service Agreement $868.25
ATTEST: Delisa L. Weeks, County Clerk
During the regular meetings of the Kiowa County Board of Social Services held during March, 2017, the following bills were approved for payment:
Directoir $1,312.07
Lead CW/APS Caseworker $471.66
CW/APS Caseworker $257.24
Eligibility Tech $604.83
Child Support/Child Care $1,144.41
Fron Office/LEAP Tech $654.60
Submitted by Dennis Pearson, Director, Kiowa County Department of Social Services.
/s/ Dennis Pearson March 1, 2017
ATTEST: Delisa L Weeks, County Clerk
APPROVED: Richard Scott, Chairman