Notice of Pending Non-Simultaneous Exchange of State Land
NOTICE is hereby provided that the State Board of Land Commissioners (Board) has authorized the initiation of a non-simultaneous exchange of land OR a land for land exchange pursuant to Article IX, § 9 of the Colorado Constitution and § 36-1-124.5, CRS for the following parcels of state trust land:
-North Central District Office, at 360 Oak Avenue Suite 110, Eaton, CO 80615
phone: 970.454.5279
ELBERT 17-001: Minimum acceptable bid for this parcel is a value of $77,000 TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH RANGE 61 WEST, ELBERT COUNTY
SECTION 34: SWNE containing 40 acres, more or less
WELD 17-002: Minimum acceptable bid for this parcel is a value of $250,000 TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH RANGE 64 WEST, WELD COUNTY
SECTION 16: That portion in the NE, lying northeast of the Platte River, containing 22 acres, more or less
-Northeast District Office, at 318 West Main Street, Sterling, CO 80751
phone: 970.522.0975
WASHINGTON 17-003: Minimum acceptable bid for this parcel is a value of $5,000 TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH RANGE 53 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY
SECTION 25: SENWNE, containing 10 acres, more or less
LOGAN 17-004: Minimum acceptable bid for this parcel is a value of $15,540 TOWNSHIP 8 NORTH RANGE 52 WEST, LOGAN COUNTY
SECTION 13: That portion in the SESW north of Interstate 76, containing 5 acres, more or less
-Southeast District Office, at 700 South Main Street, Lamar, CO 81052 District Manager
phone: 719.336.3031
KIOWA 17-005: Minimum acceptable bid for this parcel is a value of $12,000 TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH RANGE 48 WEST, KIOWA COUNTY
SECTION 18: NWNE, containing 40 acres, more or less
-Southwest District Office, at 305 Murphy Drive Suite A, Alamosa, CO 81101
phone: 719.589.2360
LAS ANIMAS 17-006: Minimum acceptable bid for this parcel is a value of $36,000 TOWNSHIP 33 SOUTH RANGE 61 WEST, LAS ANIMAS COUNTY
SECTION 36: E2E2, containing 160 acres, more or less
LAS ANIMAS 17-007: Minimum acceptable bid for this parcel is a value of $9,000 TOWNSHIP 33 SOUTH RANGE 60 WEST, LAS ANIMAS COUNTY
SECTION 17: NESW, containing 40 acres, more or less
LAS ANIMAS 17-008: Minimum acceptable bid for this parcel is a value of $1,500 TOWNSHIP 32 SOUTH RANGE 62 WEST, LAS ANIMAS COUNTY
SECTION 7: That portion in the NESESE, containing 1 acre, more or less
LAS ANIMAS 17-009: Minimum acceptable bid for this parcel is a value of $20,000 TOWNSHIP 31 SOUTH RANGE 60 WEST, LAS ANIMAS COUNTY
SECTION 9: S2NE, containing 80 acres, more or less
SAGUACHE 17-010: Minimum acceptable bid for this parcel is a value of $98,000 TOWNSHIP 48 NORTH RANGE 7 EAST, SAGUACHE COUNTY
SECTION 16: SESE, containing 40 acres, more or less
-South Central District Office, at 4718 N. Elizabeth Street Suite C1, Pueblo, CO 81008
phone: 719.543.7403
PUEBLO 17-011: Minimum acceptable bid for this parcel is a value of $27,000 TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH RANGE 62 WEST, PUEBLO COUNTY
SECTION 7: NWNE, containing 40 acres, more or less
PUEBLO 17-012: Minimum acceptable bid for this parcel is a value of $27,000 TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH RANGE 62 WEST, PUEBLO COUNTY
SECTION 18: NESE, containing 40 acres, more or less
The surface rights only of the above-described parcels are proposed to be conveyed by Patent or Deed. The mineral rights, geothermal rights, and all water rights, if any, are reserved.
Additional information and bid application forms can be obtained online at https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/statelandboard/requests-proposals-and-public-bids. Each parcel described above requires a separate cash bid or land for land exchange bid. The Board MAY consider a land for land bid that involves multiple parcels. The successful bidder will be required to purchase the authorized lessee owned improvements, if any, on the property as required by § 36-1-119. The State Land Board’s standard real estate contract will be used, as is. The contract is available online or upon request. The Board may require a survey at the winning bidders expense on these properties. The State Land Board reserves the right to require a best and final bid on each of these transactions.
The publication of this Notice during the week of April 24, 2017 begins a notice and public bid period during which sealed bids and/or written comments may be submitted to the Board. To be considered, sealed bids and/or comments must be received by 12:00 p.m. on May 29, 2017 (Bid Deadline), by the appropriate District office noted above each parcel.
Sealed bids must be submitted using the Board’s bid packet format and instructions. Each parcel has a specific bid packet and may be obtained by contacting the District Office or by going online to: https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/statelandboard/requests-proposals-and-public-bids. Each bid packet response must be submitted with a $100 non-refundable fee and shall follow the submission requirements stated in the bid packet. Sealed bids received via facsimile or electronic mail will not be considered.
Board staff will open the sealed bids at 9:00 a.m. on May 30, 2017, at the District office noted above each parcel. If the agricultural lessee is in compliance with the lease, the agricultural lessee may preserve the right to match the selected bid price in accordance with C.R.S. § 36-1-118(4)(a) and (b) and § 36-1-119, by personally appearing at the bid opening or by notifying the District Office no later than the Bid Deadline. If the lessee exercises this right, a step auction between the lessee and all other bidders will take place at a future date. The Board reserves the right to reject all bids and withdraw the parcel. Participation in the bidding process does not create any rights until the Board has approved the winning bidder and a contract has been fully signed by both parties. The successful applicant will be required to cooperate with the Board in complying with the mandates of § 36-1-118(4)(a) and (b) and § 36-1-119.
First Published April 28, 2017
Last Published May 19, 2017
In The Kiowa County Press