
Pages from the Past - From our 130-Year Archive
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
July 5, 2002
- The first Kiowa County Garden’s Surplus and Community Market place has been scheduled in City Park along Maine St in Eads
- The Eads Babe Ruth team placed first in league play and were undefeated with a 12-0 record.
- Plainview student Chris Stum accepted a Leadership Scholarship to attend Fort Lewis College. Leadership Scholarship recipients’ receive 1 year in state tuition credited to their tuition bill.
- The decision of the Honorable Garth Nieschburg not to file a declaration of intent to run for another term created a vacancy in the 15th Judicial District.
25 Years Ago
July 2, 1992
- At Issue: Should statehood be granted to District of Columbia?
- Towner: even though heavy rains kept many from cutting wheat, it allowed parents to attend Bambino Baseball League Tournament.
- Library: As you may have noticed, TV Channel3 is off the air. Our equipment, along with Vantage Cable, sustained lightning damage at the Vantage Cable building.
40 Years Ago
July 8, 1977
- Larry Crowley named general manager of Southeast Colorado Power Association replacing the late M.J. Hilton.
- Max Mays won the 4th of July Horseshoe Tournament defeating Bob Miller. The team of Dennis Singer and James Richardson won the doubles title.
- A photo shows Floyd W. Pyles standing alongside a printing press. Mr. Pyles operated the Kiowa County Press in the Nipps Building (now known as the Bransgrove Building) in 1916-1917.
50 Years Ago
July 7, 1967
- Tornadic winds resulted in considerable property damage at the farm home of Harvey Kelley northwest of Eads.
- Reflections: A study by the Tax Foundation shows if Congress raises the Social Security tax, a 21 year old entering into the system isn’t going to make out too well.
- Haswell Happenings: Several Haswell families were in Sugar City enjoying the annual 4th of July Rodeo.
75 Years Ago
June 26, 1942
- Severe damage resulted in many communities of Kiowa County by heavy rains, hail and wind. Big storm north of Eads ruined many acres of crops in Cheyenne County. Several windmills blown down and some large barns were smashed.
100 Years Ago
June 29, 1917
- H.W. Gault purchased the Willey & Clark Garage. Mr. Willey & family are moving to Canon City to a fruit farm and Mr. Clark hasn’t decided what line of business he will engage in but will continue to reside in Eads.
- An instrument was filed with the county clerk & recorder with a recording fee of $224.76 and about thousands pages to be copied into the recorder book