
Pages from the Past - From Our 130-Year Archives
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
July 19, 2002
- Wild Horse Roundup-Curtis Schrimp: Well this starts another week and still no rain.
- About Town-Ida Lessenden: I happened to tune into a television station that featured the Greeley Stampede Parade. I am glad Kiowa County Queen Darci Weeks represent our county there.
25 Years Ago
July 16, 1992
- An old-fashioned theme has been chosen for this year Eads Appreciation Day, Good Ol’ Summertime.
- The Press has a new look this week. Our regular typesetter Connie, has a 3-week vacation in Oklahoma so Ol’ Ham started fussing with the computer and what you see is what you get.
40 Years Ago
July 22, 1977
- The Division of Wildlife is extremely worried on the economic impact on the Kiowa County reservoirs if the geese are forced to fly over because no water in the reservoirs.
- The Peoples Natural Gas Co will definitely close in April, putting office manager Alice Weil out of work and Darrel Hebberd will work out of his home.
- The State Highway Commission approved an $83.2 million construction budget. No projects were approved for Kiowa County, nor was Kiowa County’s name on the list of postponed projects.
- Howlett’s Corner is the new agent for Continental Trailways bus in Eads. Service three times daily - northbound and southbound. Full freight & passenger service to anywhere.
- 50 Years Ago
July 21, 1967
- Miss Gail Voss of Haswell was selected as 1967 Kiowa County Fair Queen. Miss Lee Jean Dawson of Brandon selected as the Queen Attendant.
- Eagle Scout Daryle Lovett will represent Rocky Mountain Council in the annual report-to-the–nation program.
- Several hundred dollars of damage has resulted when someone (maybe more) shot the windows of school buses parked north of the grade school