
Pages from the Past - From Our 130-Year Archives
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
May 10, 2002
- Due to the increase of dogs roaming around town, the Town of Eads has adopted a new bond schedule regulating the fees of the ordinance violations.
- USDA Update- Rod Johnson: Requests for emergency grazing of CRP grass have been forward to Washington DC by CO FSA office.
- Agnes Fick, whose family were pioneers around the Kit Carson area, passed away. She is one of few people who live past the century mark in age. She was 108.
25 Years Ago
May 7, 1992
- Retired Eads school teacher, Ken Ritter, was honored with the Award of Excellence at the annual community BBQ hosted by the Unity Lodge
- Tim Weeks’ was the lucky winner of $50 in the State Lottery Bucks. Tim said it was almost a birthday gift as he turned a year older a day or two before the drawing.
40 Years Ago
May 13, 1977
- The Kiowa County Agriculture Stabilization & Conservation Committee designated 16 specific new practices which 80% cost sharing help is available from the federal government.
- Installation in Eads of a rented 80,000 lb. voltage regulator by Southeast Colorado Power should reduce the number of power outages during the summer
- Southeast Colorado Power Association chief engineer said they ‘really don’t know” fully why the March blizzard was so devastating on utility poles.
50 Years Ago
May 12, 1967
- The Arlington EUB Church will be moved to Colorado Boys Ranch at La Junta. The church building was constructed in 1916 and dedicated in January 1917
- Ted Abrams is Eads Valedictorian with a grade point average 3.5 for the four years. William Schurr is Salutatorian grade point average 3.4 for the four years
75 Years Ago
May1, 1942
- The worst tragedy since the blizzard in which several schoolchildren perished occurred April 30 about 2 o’clock. A cyclone swept a path from south of McClave to a point about 2 miles north of the Missouri Pacific railroad. Everything in its path was leveled to the ground and four persons lost their lives and three others seriously injured.
May 8, 1942
- School election in Eads was quite an affair. Only 38 votes were cast for Treasurer and Jess Miller got all of them
100 Years Ago
April 27, 1917
- The First County Eighth Grade Commencement for 1947 took place in Haswell. A class of 18 was graduated, the largest class in that part of the county
- A Social Club has been organized for the benefit of the Eads orchestra. The club will have regular entertainment of different kinds
May 4, 1917
- J.W. Blair and H.V. Fluke let the contract for the new building to J.H. Peck of Ordway. We understand the contract calls for a building costing nearly $10,000
May 11, 1917
- J.H. Doyle purchases the restaurant form Mrs. Burgner and has moved his fixtures to the building formerly occupied by the People’s Cafe