
Pages from the Past - From Our 130-Year Archives
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
May 31, 2002
- About Town-Ida Lessenden: Tuesday we had an old fashion dust storm. How I remember those terrible days when dust sifted under doors.
- Wild Horse Roundup- Curtis Schrimp: Steve called, he didn’t want to make me feel bad, but they had received an inch of rain.
25 Years Ago
May 28, 1992
- The final class graduates from Haswell School. All enjoyed the traditional potluck dinner. The long tables were heavily laden with delicious food.
- State Senator Jim Rizzuto was the key speaker for the six graduating seniors at Plainview High School.
40 Years Ago
June 3, 1977
- The Colorado State Highway division calls for very little work in Kiowa County for the next 5 years.
- The Eugene Splitter farm of Sheridan Lake was 1 of 18 Colorado farms chosen to test a variety of winter wheat seed.
- The First Christian Church constructed in the summer of 1972, is all paid for and will burn their mortgage at the close of morning service.
50 Years Ago
June 2, 1967
- Rains the past few days should put a damper on the drought and blowing conditions thought out the area.
- Quite a number of people were stranded in Haswell while the road was closed between Haswell and Galatea as the result of heavy rain.
- Dolores Hollis, wife of the operator of Phil’s 66 Service Station in Eads,
accepted an award from Gate’s Mystery Cars. The plaque had 2 uncirculated silver dollars, 2 Kennedy half dollars and a special commemorative coin set in an auto engine shape. The Mystery Cars travel across the county stopping at service stations. Each car has a worn fan belt. The service station that notices the defective belt and offers to replace it is presented the plaque. The Gates Rubber Company sponsors the nationwide contest