
Pages from the Past - From Our 131-Year Archives
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
January 17, 2003
- Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation has begun its annual membership drive. KCEDF is dedicated to the managed growth & development of Kiowa County and the welfare of its residents.
25 Years Ago
January 21, 1993
- Kasey Kemper was one of the successful National Western Stock Show Catch-A-Calf contestants at the Sat. morning performance of the rodeo.
40 Years Ago
January 20, 1978
- An application for $25,000 in federal funds to pay one half the cost of a recreational park in Eads was approved by the Lower Arkansas Valley council of government.
- John E. Jacobs, is a perennial winner in the Colorado Pure Seed Show held during the National Western Stock Show.
- It’s been a little more than a year since the Kiowa County grain growers with grain stored in facilities of Geronimo Elevator Co. learned the company’s owner and 400,000 bushels of grain had disappeared – and it remains to be seen whether they will be paid for their grain.
- A spirited meeting is sure to be in store for members of Southeast Colorado Power Association when they convene to conclude the aborted annual meeting from October 8.
- The Sheridan Lake Volunteer Fire Department have been busy lately as a series of fires have broken out on the east end of Kiowa County.
50 Years Ago
January 19, 1968
- The year appears to be getting off to a good start in Kiowa County as news of a new oil find north of Brandon.
75 Years Ago
January 15, 1943
- Officials of the Kiowa County Turkey Marketing Association announce they will receive turkeys at their processing plant. During the week they expect to dress and ship a car load of turkeys.
100 Years Ago
January 18, 1918
- Three Puebloans rushing to the bedside of a sick relatives, froze to death in a ragging blizzard near Inman. The absence of railroad station at Inman, the train crew suggested the party should alight at Arlington or go to Haswell for the night. The party insisted to be let off at Inman since the Yanko residence was only a mile from the tracks. They became separated in the storm & evidently traced & retraced their steps several times before the elements took its toll.