Secretary of State: You can Help Shape Election Rules
Secretary of State: You can Help Shape Election Rules
Colorado Secretary of State Williams is considering amendments to Colorado’s Rules Concerning Elections (8 CCR 1505-1). The changes are intended to improve the administration and enforcement of Colorado election law and to increase transparency and security in the election process.
The main goals of the proposed rulemaking are to:
•Ensure proper administration of legislation recently passed by the Colorado General Assembly;
•Establish uniformity in the administration of current law;
•Organize existing rules for clarity;
•Eliminate obsolete provisions;
•Simplify the language of existing rules; and
•Remove language that is duplicative of statute.
Links to proposed options for rules implementing propositions 107 and 108 and a cross-jurisdictional pilot program are listed at the bottom of this article.
Secretary Williams invites the public to share thoughts and recommendations as the office develops preliminary draft of the proposed rules.
Why does the Secretary need my help?
The Secretary values public feedback and would like to hear thoughts and ideas. The office is seeking help to identify necessary revisions or additional guidance in order to propose a constructive and comprehensive draft rule for consideration during the rulemaking proceedings.
How do I submit my comments and what is the deadline?
Email comments to SOS.Rulemaking@sos.state.co.us. Comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. May 22, 2017.
Will my comments become part of the official record for the anticipated rulemaking?
The office will incorporate public comments into the official record when formal rulemaking commences. The office will identify comments as information received in anticipation of rulemaking to support the development of the proposed draft rule. There will be an additional opportunity to provide testimony and/or written comments regarding the proposed rule during the rulemaking proceeding.
To promote transparency and to help generate discussion, the Secretary’s office will post a copy of public comments on the Secretary of State’s website. Personal contact information will be removed before comments are posted, including home addresses, personal email addresses, and telephone numbers. To view the comments that are received, visit: http://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/rule_making/ruleComments.html.
Additional information can be found at the following links: