Town of Eads Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes – December 12, 2017
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Eads Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Shields, Tuesday December 12, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall. Robin Fox, Town Clerk, took roll call:
Mayor – Joe D. Shields- present
Trustees – Present – Dennis Pearson, Kathy McCracken, Terry Riley, Lisa Trigilio, and Priscilla Waggoner
Absent – Justin McLoud
Town Clerk- Robin Fox –Present
Assistant Clerk- Shealynn McCracken-Present
Director of Public Works- Van Brown- Present
Audiences/Public Comment Period –
Minutes- Terry Riley moved to approve the minutes as amended. Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Bills – The finance committee reviewed the bills prior to the meeting. Lisa Trigilio moved to approve payment of the bills in the packet, as presented at the meeting. Priscilla Waggoner seconded, the motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Sylvia Shields- The board discussed about Sylvia Shields property with the attorney present. Sylvia is supposed to come back to the board with more information.
New Business:
Fire Department- The Fire Chief, David Kraft, was present to explain to the board that he did resign as fire chief. He informed the board that the new Fire Chief would be A.J. McCracken, and the new Assistant Fire Chief would be A.J. Bolin. Then the board had a phone conference with Glen Cranford about the Fire District and what the board would contribute. The board decided to wait to make that decision after there was a meeting between the County Commissioners, Town Council, and Glen.
Sheriff Service Agreement- The Board looked over the Sheriff Service Agreement. Kathy McCracken moved to approve the Sheriff Service Agreement. Dennis Pearson seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Budget- Budget Hearing began at 5:15 p.m.
Budget Hearing ended at 5:45 p.m.
Dennis Pearson moved to approve the ordinance to adopt the budget. Terry Riley seconded, and motion passed unanimously. Kathy McCracken moved to approve the Ordinance to Appropriate Sums of Money. Priscilla Waggoner seconded, motion passed unanimously. Terry Riley moved to approve the Ordinance to Set Mill Levies. Lisa Trigilio seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Employee Raises- Terry Riley moved to approve to give employee’s their 3% annual raises. Lisa Trigilio seconded, motion passed unanimously. Kathy McCracken abstained.
Bring-Up Items:
Street Light- The Director of Public Works mentioned to the board that he got a request asking for a street light on Lowell and Rittgers St. The board asked the Director of Public Works to bring bids to the next meeting.
Adjourn- The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.