Upcoming Events
The Sage Meal at the Eads Senior Center: Wednesday, February 7. Call Areta Laird, 438-2249 to reserve a meal.
Annual celebration known as the High Plains Snow Goose Festival scheduled February 8-11
Baby Shower for Taylor Maverick McCracken Sat. Feb 10 at the Cobblestone Inn & Suites 12pm-2pm
Reagen and Morgyn Johnson will be raffling off (2) half beefs February 20. Contact Mike or Martha Johnson 719-691-1021 or J & J Liquor 719-438-5764. The girls were recently invited by Down Under Sports to represent CO on the 2018 Track & Field Team in Brisbane AU this summer. The raffle will defray some of the expense they will incur.
Wednesday, Feb. 21 monthly noon meal at the Eads Senior Center
Eads Drivers License Schedule Feb 6-7-13-14-20-21-27-28MVR Reports Available
Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting Dates: Feb 8-22 Mar 13-29 Open to the public 9:00am - Commissioners will recess 12 - 1 for lunch 4 day notice is preferred for posted agenda
To help Mary Huddleston celebrate her 96th birthday, February 24,2018, we are having a card shower. Mary Huddleston - 650 Kendall Dr. - Lamar, CO 81052
Christina Alba, PhD from the Denver Botanic Gardens, will be making a presentation with slideshow about the various grasses and plant vegetation present in our area at the Plains Theater March 27 at 6:00pm
The Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site open daily from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday-Friday.