About Town
By Doris Lessenden
Gentle Shepherd, come and lead us. For we need You to help us find our way. Gentle Shepherd come and feed us for we need Your strength from day to day.” Bill and Gloria Gaither.
Gloria Peck of Eads is the featured quilter this year. Drivers Lola Igou and Terri Salsbury drove the county van with ladies from Eads and Haswell to the El Pueblo Museum to view the Quilt Show by quilters from around the region. The ladies dined at the Cracker Barrel and enjoyed seeing the beautiful quilts of many sizes and designs and most especially those of their friend, Gloria Peck, who received this high award and honor for her outstanding quilting skills.
Last Monday a group of ladies who have been county fair superintendents in the home economics building during the county fair met for several hours to review the Exhibit Book criteria. We think the exhibitors will be pleased with some of the improvements for years to come. We applaud CSU Extension Secretary Karen Jones for her foresight and desire to make improvements and for seeking input from the people.
We extend our sympathy to the families of Pam Mast of Eads who passed March 25th. Together with her husband, Gordon (Bud) Mast she helped raise his four young children after their mother died. Pam was a cheerful lady who worked hard at sometimes two jobs in the community.
Wyatt Ridgeway, son of Oscar and Brandi (Weirich) Ridgeway, is the USA Archery Colorado Indoor State Champion after a two-day tournament. I have been watching the postings that Kylie (Weirich) and Brad Hager’s son and daughter are also in these archery competitions. A few weeks ago they were all competing in Las Vegas. I remember when Wyatt’s father, Oscar, was a teenager, he brought several geese to my home for me to roast for my parents. Wyatt no doubt learned some skills from his father.
Congratulations to Sara (Houser) Crawford of Kit Carson who was named the 1A Basketball Coach of the Year. She coached with her husband, Mike Crawford. The Lady Wildcats team to won the State Championship.
Many people are disappointed that Denise Nelson has closed her Piccadilly Cinnamon Joe Pizza Shop after 10 years where she always served quality foods and desserts as well as a variety of lattes and specialty iced beverages. Denise and Sam’s eldest son, Hatch, will be in high school next year so this will allow her to go to his activities as well as those of her younger children, Case and Aspen.
It is surprising at first sight and then a great sight to see Steve and Marilyn Baxter’s new home and adjoining buildings on their acreage in the Kiowa Estates overlooking Jackson’s Pond. Rod Johnson would be so pleased to see another dream come true.
Some Chamber of Commerce members visited the new Hometown Gas and Grill and the new Love’s Store and Subway last week where both places of business were so busy with customers. At the Gas and Grill, a cheerful State Inspector was there visiting with Managers, Mandy Adamson and Chad Rouse. To the north, Manager Dave Grandy of the Love’s Store said that they are really busy 24 hours a day while people from all walks of life rush in and out. of the three entrances. He said people often call asking for a job but he has not hired anyone since October. I think that people are really glad to get a good paying job with benefits such as the Love’s corporation offers and thus they don’t move on to another job.
Jeannie Strong’s 68th birthday was April 1st but her friends at the ECU and some family celebrated her big day on Friday the 31st. She has lived at the ECU for about seven years and is highly regarded for her patient endurance of being afflicted with multiple sclerosis. She is a “prayer warrior” for many people.
Ladies at Kit Carson Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church hosted an area LWML women’s Rally Saturday. Despite the rain and snow people came from six different towns to enjoy food and fellowship. Pastor Rick Miller of La Junta was the presenter and teacher on the topic of Martin Luther since this is the 500th year since the Reformation movement that began in Germany. Leaders, Tracey Weeks and Betsy Evans organized the activities of the meaningful day. Teenagers, Trevor Randel and Jordyn Weeks served at the registration table and set out foods for the breaks and lunch.