Wollert Places in 4-H Program
By MyKayla Krentz, Paw Pals 4-H Club Member
A freshman at Wiley High School and Paw Pals 4-H club member, Wyatt Wollert, competed in the 2017 National Western Stock Show Catch-A-Calf program. This program was open to 4-H members ages twelve through nineteen.
Wollert’s sponsor was the Flying Diamond Ranch in Kit Carson, Colorado. Wollert fed his calf for 246 days from May to the NWSS in January of 2017. He was presented with several awards for his efforts including the co-winner of the Herdsmanship Award, co-winner of Record Book Award (with a perfect score), 9th place in Sponsor Relations (scores based on letters he wrote to the Johnson family each month), 8th place in the Speech/Interview, 2nd place in Showmanship, 3rd place in Market Class, and 3rd place in Production Phase (sponsor relations, record book and rate of grain).
Wollert was the highest scoring Colorado participant in the overall contest; Kansas participants swept 1st-3rd.
Recently, Carcass Contest results were announced and Wollert placed 4th. Of note, his steer was one of only three in the contest to grade prime. Wollert commented that he enjoyed the program and encourages other 4-H members to participate.
The 2018 Catch-A-Calf program is getting ready to begin in May and several Prowers County 4-H members have been chosen to participate.
Photo Credit: Lacey Mann 4-H Extension Agent. Wyatt Wollert and his steer, Gus, with sponsors, Mrs. and Mrs. Scott Johnson.