4 Common Misconceptions About Motorcycles
Despite some people’s safety concerns, motorcycles are a popular way to get around. That doesn’t really come as a shock—they can be quite fun in the right hands. This mode of transportation has been shrouded in myth for years, so we’re here to set some of the more common misconceptions about motorcycles straight.
Cars Are the Biggest Threat to Motorcyclists
Let’s start with a big one that most people believe, not just motorcyclists. One misconception that has spread like wildfire is that cars are the reason for most motorcycle accidents. This is far from the case. Almost half of all motorcycle accidents are single-vehicle accidents, and a majority of the rest of them are typically the rider’s fault, not the driver of the car.
It’s no secret that people who ride motorcycles are a bit on the reckless side. More often than not, the driver of a vehicle doesn’t have the time to react to a speeding bike, which usually ends in an accident.
Helmets Are More Harmful Than Helpful
This lie has been around ever since some laws started enforcing helmet usage. Many people believe that helmets are harmful to riders. Even in the face of statistics that prove that wearing a helmet will almost certainly save your life, some motorcyclists still come up with excuses to avoid wearing them.
Saying that they obscure a rider’s vision and that they cause spinal injuries are just a few of the claims people make. Regardless of what the excuses may be, none of them are true, and you will always be safer with a helmet on, no matter the circumstances.
Riding Gear Is Too Hot To Wear
Not only do helmets get a bad rap, but so do other pieces of riding gear, specifically leather jackets. People claim that they overheat while wearing these safety items during hotter weather. Now, if they’re wearing unperforated leather, that might be true, but there are many alternatives to this kind of material. Motorcyclist clothing has come a long way, and there are many options that will help keep riders safe and cool.
You Can’t Ride in the Rain
Speaking of the weather, though, let’s address the rain. Another common misconception about motorcycles is that you can never drive them in the rain. While it’s certainly not recommended, especially during a heavy downpour, saying that traveling on your bike in the rain is impossible isn’t at all true. Granted, you’ll need to know some tips for riding your motorcycle in the rain, but if you’re out somewhere and it starts raining, you can definitely make it home without needing to be picked up.