About Town – April 10, 2023
“The Lord has done amazing things for us! What joy!” Psalm 126: 6
The Community Good Friday Service was hosted by Praise Community Church this year. Andrea Buller did the kindest act for me when she called Weisbrod Hospital and asked the nurse, Cindy Canfield, who comes to us from McClave, to take her cell phone the my hospital room so I could watch and listen to the Good Friday service on her cell phone! Tears of gratitude came to my eyes. I had been rather sad because this would be one of the few Good Friday services that I had ever missed - if I ever did - since the 1960s. The service was wonderful! Jimmy Brown had arranged a community choir, and the Praise Church’s singers, who sang. Jimmy played the grand piano, and Kent Frazee played the organ. Pastors Mark Imel and Lane Gooden shared the scriptures and messages. What a blessing it was for us!
The weather during the week was generally sunny, but very chilly. However, by Saturday afternoon, it was pleasantly warm and sunny for that long awaited Easter egg hunt on the Courthouse lawn. As I watched from my art room on the west side, I could see little ones scamper to pick up those shiny eggs. There was a lot of action on all sides of the county headquarters. A special thanks goes the Riki (Berry) Cordova, who has been a leader through the years for this fun event. No doubt she had many volunteers who donated money and their time to hide the eggs, and plan the fun activities for the young ones and all those loving and adoring parents and relatives who came to watch the spectacular fun for kids.
Sunday, believers were invited to attend the Community Sunrise Services at the three white crosses near the Christian Church. Every year it is more heartwarming that more people attend than before. Some people come to listen or watch while standing or sitting in their vehicles. Afterward, people are invited the go the breakfasts and worship services in our local churches, while others go to other towns for worship, or homes for dinners with families or friends.
Many of us feel so blessed to be living in Eads. Life for most people here is generally good and peaceful. However, I understand there is need for people to be wary of their possessions, and take your keys out of your vehicles. Remember when we never locked our home doors? It may be wiser the do so now in the world we live.
It is very important for all people to communicate more in small groups. It could be in your homes, but public places are especially good, like at one of the six cafes in Eads, or the senior center, or one of the three parks in Eads. Check out such places in Haswell, Brandon, Chivington, Sheridan Lake, and Towner.
The color photo on the cover of the Kiowa County Press last week of the U.S. capitol among blooming cherry blossom trees was so beautiful. The photo was taken by Publisher Chris Sorensen, who was in Washington D.C. at a conference.
Tess Johnson, Kit Carson senior, was honored to be selected to play in the Colorado High School Activity Association All-State Girls Basketball games. Tess, who is the daughter of Toby and Amy Johnson, is a stellar player, and a charming young lady.
Denise Nelson, Eads Business Education Association instructor and coach of the Future Business Leaders of America, was pleased to sponsor a number of FBLA students in Denver recently. She was relieved when the Wiley baseball coach gave his blessing for her boy members, who are on the baseball team, to go to the conference in the city. They were all winners.
The Eads senior citizens had a larger number of seniors come to the monthly brunch last Wednesday. There were tasty foods and pastries to select, as well as Gail Voss’s biscuits and sausage gravy, and my favorite, her baked eggs. Now, mark your calendars senior friends over age 55, for the noon monthly lunch April 19. Then, that night, decorating begins for the prom in the senior center that will happen April 22. It has been so enjoyable the watch the grand march of handsome young men and lovely young ladies in their formal attire walk from the center across the street to the Plains Theatre, across the stage and out the entry doors, and over to the prom dance floor. The public may watch the students in the Theatre, but not in the center.
The good news is that one of those six cafes in Eads is in what we know as the Maine Scoop Ice Cream Shoppe next to the Plains Theatre. It will be a come and go or dine outside at the tables place Mondays through Thursdays. This is organized and prepared by Claire Lane of Eads. “The Bean” is such an exciting new venture to watch all those happy people quickly walk into cafe. The Maine Street Ice Cream Scoop will be opened for their regular hours Friday through Sunday.
A new “dream come true” is in process for an adjoining building.
Shalom, my friends. Choose joy!