About Town – January 30, 2023
“The truth will set you free.” John 8: 23
Snow. We have had more snow that didn’t melt the next day than for years, but what a blessing in will be in the spring. In the meantime, good friends like Jayce Negley, and Dwight and Tearle Lessenden have helped my friends with those powerful skid steer blades. No doubt other men like that wonderful Bob Alfano, who has plowed my driveways before, were out to help their neighbors and friends. In the meantime, I saw town worker Paul Kelley doing extra snow moving deeds. By Thursday, citizens who try to drive or park on Maine Street were glad when the town crew moved those mountains of snow from the center of Maine into big town trucks to carry it somewhere north. This weekend, the state weather forecasters are telling us to beware of more snow and ice to come for four or five more days. We are stocking up to stay inside.
Shirley Watts told me of what a challenge it was for some of Trice Watts and Brittany Newman’s relatives and friends to get to Eads last weekend for their wedding reception at the community building Saturday. Her daughter, Connie, and Connie’s husband, Neal Richardson, were able to transport her from Weisbrod to watch her dear grandchildren and families. The photos were wonderful, too. Trice and Brittany, who live and work in the medical field in Kansas, were married up in the northwest among the huge sequoia pine trees. Shirley showed me a photo of Brittany in her gorgeous wedding gown dancing on the black ocean beach near the forest wedding site.
The “Find Your People” Bible studies have begun meeting again. I really liked our new meeting site by the warm fireplace in the Cobblestone Inn. Also I could buy a pizza to bring home. Readers, you can buy good pizzas at the Hometown Gas and Grill, and Godfather’s Pizza in the Love’s store, as well as from Crow’s Stop and Shop, all right here in Eads.
The Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary hosted their annual Bingo party for the residents in the south Extended Care Unit. What fun! The ladies bring envelopes of coins or dollar bills for the residents to select when they win. Loretta Seibel helped Shirley Watts and Shirley Nelson, who exclaimed after her fourth Bingo win, “Oh, my piggy is gonna get fat!” Cleta Englehardt played cards for three residents who couldn’t come. President Alice Glover saw that they were pleased when I took them their winning envelopes of money. Lola Igou had a good time assisting Lorraine Saffer’s father, Laurel. They liked the strawberry Little Debbie’s cakes that Linda Trosper and Cleta Englehardt brought. Activity Director Jaton Wallace and Mary Ellen Englehardt served them juice beverages.
Thursday was a warmer day, so Robin Musgrave helped me deliver desserts for Angie Davis’ funeral in Kit Carson set for Saturday. We left doilies and art supplies at the Lutheran Church for making Valentines and gift bags for older friends at the “Fifth Quarter Party.” Tracey Weeks, Dara Randel, Betsy Evans, Kristi Jackson, Sara Crawford, Lois Behrinds, and others have assisted with this activity for years at the party after their basketball game and their meal. During the devotion time the teenagers were given WWJD bracelets that Laura Negley bought for them.
Both Eads basketball games and wrestling were away last weekend. We only have three more home games: February 4 with Wiley, February 16 with Genoa-Hugo, and February 17 with Granada. Our wrestlers with the County Line Rivals team will be at Ordway February 4, and then on to the regional meet.
Congratulations to the Eads girls middle school basketball team, who won the championship in the High Plains league in Cheyenne Wells. Those young ladies are Reese Barnett, Emma Wollert, Aspen Nelson, Aubrey Mitchek, Peyton Eder, Jordynn Turcotte, Kennedy Gyruman, Anna Wollert, Bailey Sierra, and Savanna Brown.
I have read good reviews of the movie “A Man Called Otto,” which is currently playing at Lamar Theatre, and will be shown at the Plains Theatre in Eads February 3-5. If is about a compassionate man.
The Prairie Pines Assisted Living Community has a new volunteer Auxiliary, which is doing some fundraisers to add so much goodness to life at the Pines. Join me to call in your order for Valentine cake pops or coca bombs. See the ads or call and pick up your goodies. Call 719-688-2781 or 719-438-2141 for information.
Shane and Pam Lessenden celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary last weekend. and helped move furniture to prepare for her mother, Janet, to return to her home after having a stroke.
Let’s support the Eads Future Farmers of America chapter by buying a colorful ball point pen that the students made in class. Call Eads High School or Justin Lenox.
My friend Gail Voss missed her grandson, Ty Michael’s, wrestling match Saturday but, as she told him, “I only have one granddaughter who is getting married.” So she joined the all the ladies and mothers in the wedding party to go to the city to shop for a wedding dress for Molly Stolzenberger. Can’t you just imagine their fun day in the city?
Bill and Charlotte Woelk and other family members went to Colorado Springs Saturday for a family birthday party. That is important. Every day of life is a gift from God.
Thank you for our dear mail carrier’s service - Fran (Weber) Larrew.
Join me, living joyfully!