About Town – June 22, 2020
“‘God provides the strength to persevere and grow.”
Since most readers have been in guarded quarantine for about four or more months, we can relate to this thought, don’t you think? Many people who have been quarantined at home, for the most part, are glad to have had this time at home with their families. Many families have grown closer because they have been learning to talk with one another. Some families have spent time cooking, finishing their schoolwork, playing games, putting together puzzles, painting rooms, repairing their homes or property. The pleasure or satisfaction with our lives relates to our attitude. So, let us realize that each day is a blessing and try to think positively about our lives.
Thank you to the Kiowa County Hospital District staff who organized a mini Health Fair last weekend at the community building in Eads. This is usually held in April and takes place in the elementary school rooms. The organizers, Gloria Gaynor and Shannon Dixon, provided this service for people to get their blood taken and analyzed at a “cheaper price.” Insurance specialist Braylynn Eder was also on hand to register the people who came from a number of communities. Through the years, we know that many lives have been saved or improved because potential health problems were detected. When we were there, Charlene Gifford, Linda Offill, and Janelle Crow were working and serving delicious pastries, baked goods, and breakfast burritos to earn money for the Eads Education Association Future Teacher’s scholarship. Thank you goes to Crow’s Stop and Shop for donating the coffee and orange juice for the two-day event.
Happy 96th birthday greetings are sent to Bud Lowe, who lives in Prairie Pines. Bud is a kind man who formerly lived on a farm between Kit Carson and Cheyenne Wells.
Max and Donna Owens have been entertaining grandchildren and lots of relatives who have spent time in their home on the outskirts of west Eads.
Congratulations to Cody Back, who has graduated from Colorado State University of Pueblo with a degree in Wildlife/Biology. Cody is thrilled to have a wildlife job in doing what he enjoys, fishing. It warms one’s heart when we hear these good stories of people any age getting a job they love.
That reminds me of my neighbor, Victor Brown, who loves to hunt and fish. He has volunteered and had jobs for a number of years related to the Wildlife Department and now this year has landed a super job on the Arkansas River with good pay and housing too.
Franci (Stavely) Cain has been so good to make time to spend days with each of her parents to help them during these last several years. I admire this caring quality in Franci because through the years I have seen so many people in nursing homes who appear to be neglected by their children or relatives. But then there are some families, like the Penn daughters, the Weeks, Crows, and Rose relatives who are quite attentive. That is a good thing!
The Eads Clinic has a take out sheet listing health resources in the tri-county area where there are offices for dental care, chiropractic care, optometry/ophthalmology, hospice and home care, plus other listings. This could be so helpful to people who are searching for a good doctor or specialist.
Sandra Penn Jones had a large yard sale of most of the items in her home Saturday since she is moving to Kansas. She will be near her daughter, Gina, which will be nice for her but, oh, what a loss for us.
Congratulations to Louis and Dawn James of the Prairie Queen community, who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. Dawn and her daughter, Alicia, play and sing dinner music Tuesday evenings at Prairie Pines during dinner hour. That is pleasurable for the residents.
Sheriff Casey Sheridan said that a semi-truck lost a load of sand on Highway 287 in Kiowa County. The Highway Department had to use a snowplow to clear the road! Another hazard on the roads and highways these days can be smoke from prairie fires. My friend, Tereso Valenzuela, (seller of produce) was in a bad collision because of dense smoke south of Lamar in the Springfield area last week.
Tracy Smith is reported to be improving after having surgery to remove a tumor in her brain. Her family is thrilled that she is doing better each day. The men and women around Eads are surely missing Tracy and Lori Lynn Chase, who is also having health problems with her wrists. We miss our beautician ladies.
Good news! The Plains Theatre will be open this weekend. Of course, there will be a number of precautions we will have to do while attending to abide by the “virus rules,” but it will be worth it to call in a reservation.
Mike Huckabee says we have a “sin problem,” not a “skin problem.” He added, “God says we are to treat one another the way we want to be treated, and if we lived this way, life would be much better and peaceful. Huckabee stated on a recent television show that we need to show more respect for others, which is so true.
Stay safe and thankful. Shalom!