About Town – May 15, 2023
“A joyful heart is good medicine.” Proverbs 17:22
Rich and Koy Glover hosted the annual Veterans of Foreign Wars cookout supper at their Eads home last Tuesday evening with guests from Kit Carson, Cheyenne Wells, and Eads. Rich grilled his popular ribs and drumsticks on his balcony deck as the guests selected other foods in the dining room. We sat at tables outside in the warm evening and then had our meetings. Betsy Evans presided over the VFW Auxiliary meeting. Veteran Amanda Plitz presided over the Post 3411 business meeting. Bart Addy installed the officers for both the Post and the Auxiliary. These are the men and women who are serving as Honor Guards with flags at ceremonies, sports games, and some funerals. We always enjoy Rich’s homemade pineapple ice cream, a recipe that he created while he was stationed in Hawaii.
Earlier in the year, some of the VFW members read and judged the essays written by 35 of Kelly Courkamp’s Middle School English class students. The winning essays were sent on to the district. Areta Blooding-Laird reported that two Eads students placed at the district with their essays. “My Pledge to Our Veterans” by Aspen Nelson placed second at the VFW Post 3411. Anna Wollert placed third in the Post 3411 competition, and in district was first place! I was impressed with the excellent writing by the Eads students. Areta stated the she and Post 3411 appreciate the students and teachers who participate in this program.
Last week was National Hospital Week and in Eads. It was one of the best ever! The employees went to great expense in planning their costumes for each dress day. I told Jaton Wallace that the Friday festivities were some of the best I have ever seen since this began. Unfortunately, it was so cold outside that all the circus games, serving tables, and eating had to be in the halls and nooks here and there. It was great! Some Auxiliary ladies, and a number of staff, stayed over to help with the fun games and prizes. Russ Watson grilled meats outside, and Marla Darnell and her dietary crew served the foods in the hall from bold red and white striped clothed tables. Deejay Trent Rittgers played lively music, and it was great that the residents could watch all those little children, and lots of adults, too.
Justin Lenox, Future Farmers of America teacher, told me that the FFA banquet was shortened because of the impending storm. He will have the new reporter write about it. The points I remember are: Tim Trosper is the adult recognized for his support and help to the FFA program, Tailie Weeks-Johnson is the Green Hand winner, and Kenan Smith won the Star Farmer Award. The new officers were installed, and there were other individual awards given to students in all grades.
It is so exciting to hear and read the winning statistics of the Eads Middle School and High School track teams. They are doing very well and excelling in racking up records!
The students on the Eads-Wiley Panther baseball team learned Friday that the field was too wet in Simila, so they would have to travel to a Colorado Springs turf field to play Saturday.
It is gratifying to see and read that the teachers and some parents are encouraging their students and children the volunteer. For example, I saw two classes last week with trash sacks picking up around the school properties. Also, many people baked products for the Andrew McCracken bake sale, and I saw little girls (Kindergarten to fourth grade) having a good time selling those baked goods. Then, last Saturday, I saw how many ladies cooked and baked wonderful foods for the meal and reception for Honey Belle Dixon’s family and friends. Don’t we live in a great community?
Brady and Jordan (Barnett) Buck of Wray are living through a difficult time in their young lives. Brady has had surgery for brain cancer and now faces extensive treatments. It is serious but there is hope. Please pray for them and their tiny boys. Brady is the grandson of Polly (Collins) Johnson, formerly of Kit Carson, who died last year, and the son of Jody (Johnson) and Rex Buck of Wray.
Congratulations the JaNae Voss, Kit Carson graduate, and Jamie Lane Jensen of Eads, who graduated from Nurses School at Otero Junior College. Their grandmothers, Terry Voss, Jan Richards, and Violet Snyed, are proud.
Grandmother Shirley Borns Morlan announced that her granddaughter, Morgan Summa Jones Clark, graduated with her Doctorate Degree of Nursing in Boston. A few years ago, Morgan was a registered nurse at Weisbrod Hospital in Eads before she moved on the be a nursing instructor at Otero Junior College and at Lamar Community College.
Watch each Tuesday and Wednesday for Jose Hernandez’s black food trailer to be parked outside the Demitasse building on Maine Street in Eads. He and his sons plan to sell some of his good Mexican foods. You can buy and carry, eat out at the tables, or go into Demitasse to eat your lunch.
The Eads Middle School had a Hawaiian luau dance party last week. The girls looked so pretty in their party dresses, and the guys were handsome in their floral shirts.
Senior citizens are invited to the noon meal May 17. Seniors can bring a pot luck dish or donate at the door.