About Town – September 19, 2022
“Friendly suggestions are pleasant as perfume.” Proverbs 27: 9
Last Monday was a special day for all the students at Eads and Kit Carson schools when men and women from Cheyenne Wells, Kit Carson, and Eads representing the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3411 and the VFW Auxiliary presented a 9-11 program on respect and care of the flag of the United States of America. In both schools, a whole section of the bleachers was filled with students from kindergarten to senior high students and their faculties. Auxiliary President Betsy Evans greeted the students. In Eads, Alicia James led the singing of the “Stars Spangled Banner” and, in Kit Carson, by student Zeffery Miller. As Shirley White told the meaning and way the American flag should be folded and presented, six VFW veterans demonstrated the process. Rayetta Addy instructed the audience on the proper ways we should respect our flag. Reading on the large screen, the students sang, “You’re a Grand Old Flag” which the school music teachers, Monica Uhland and Tom Rhoads, had taught their elementary students to sing. Thank you to veterans,, Bart Addy, Roger Evans, Areta Laird, Ron White, Rod Houser, Amanda Plitz, and Richard Glover, who participated in the assemblies. These veterans and other veterans are often called upon to be color guards in parades, rodeos, sports games, or funerals. We really do appreciate these veterans and their spouses who continue to serve their communities.
Last week was National Assisted Living Week, so if you happened to see some Prairie Pines employees dressed unusually, that is why. Monday was pajama day. When I was there Tuesday, they were dressed as rock stars. I thought Dillon Hernandez was the most colorful in a shiny black stove top hat, black clothes with his own raven hair falling to his hips. I think his star name is “Slash.” Friday I saw him in his purple and gold school colors. Thank you to the Prairie Pines employees who take good care of the people who live there and try to make their lives more enjoyable. I do so enjoy when I am invited to have lunch there to visit with residents. Chef Christina Wolf is the best!
Last week was homecoming week in Kit Carson where they had their first homecoming parade in several years. The Eads Eagle middle school and high school traveled there for matches and games. Torrie Randel was crowned queen, and Tammer Conaway was the homecoming king.
Eads homecoming week is October 2-7. The homecoming court, who rode in the county fair parade are seniors, Taygan Ferris, Maggie Hasse, Piper Sorter, A. J. Vasquez,Brenden Riefenschinder, and J. B. Brown; Porter Spady and Katie Johnson; sophomores, Colin Nelson and Alessandra Paez; and freshmen, Kolton Specht and Sophia Mitchell.
Congratulations to Kim (Crow) Richards, who received a large crystal trophy cup on a wooden base in appreciation for her 25 years of collaboration with the Stewart Title Company. Kim has worked in the Kiowa Abstract office for 48 years. Kim has been so helpful through the years to give service (often free) and advice to people who are in need of housing advice. She had one of the first printers in town that she shared, and continues to be a blessing to the United Methodist Church, Treasurer of Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center, worker for school sports events, the golf club, and many other groups. She is such a blessing to so many of us!
Thank you to Braylynn (Peck) Eder, who took memorable photos during the county fair and at other times and events. After graduation, she went to a photography college in New Jersey. I am - we are - glad she came home to use her skills in Eads, but more so that she works with finances at Weisbrod Hospital.
Reygan Gibbs of Lamar and her grandmother, Marlynn (Eder) Eikenberg of Haswell, had a wonderful flight and tour of Dublin, Ireland. Reygan graduated from the cosmetology college at Lamar Community College. Now she is pursuing her BA degree according to her mother, Haley Reedy. Marlynn is a well- loved efficient CNA in the Weisbrod Extended Care Unit.
Last Thursday was National Future Farmers of America Teacher Day. My mother, Ida, would write, “A tip of the hat to Richard Gekler of Kit Carson and Justin Lenox of Eads High!”
Gail Voss delivered gorgeous gladiolas for Dorothy Ellicott to the dining tables at Prairie Pines for several weeks, and to other people. One day when Mr. McCoin sat down at the lunch table, I heard him ask, “Where are the gladiolas?” So, thank you, George, Dorothy, and Gail; also, for sharing your flowers and for all the outstanding exhibits you took to the county fair!
Cathryn Anderson, Katy Lou to her high school and neighbor friends, won third in the Colorado State Silver Queen Contest. Many years ago, she returned from an important job on the east coast to Arlington, Colorado, to care for her parents and the Anderson ranch that she loved so much.
At the Kit Carson Day parade, Cardon and Joyce Berry drove their sky-blue Chevrolet sports coupe to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. This is the car they dated in.
Many of are still relishing memories of the school reunion and county fair. Thanks for the memories.