Public Notice
Carousel Wind LLC proposes to construct a 75-foot overall height self-supported obstruction light control radar tower for the Carousel Wind Project aircraft detection lighting system (ADLS) near County Road 54, approximately 0.8 miles south of County Road AA, approximately 5.5 miles northeast of Burlington in Kit Carson County, Colorado.
The approximate latitude/longitude coordinates of the proposed tower are North 39° 21' 43.0" / West 102° 10' 2.2 within the southeast quarter of Section 11, Township 8 South, Range 43 West.
Carousel Wind LLC is publishing this notice in accordance with Federal Communications Commission regulations (47 CFR 1.1307) for Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Parties interested in commenting on the potential effects of this Federal undertaking on historic properties should contact: Jen Sojka, Tetra Tech, 390 Union Boulevard, Suite 400, Lakewood, Colorado 80228 jen.sojka@tetratech.com (815) 990-8903.
Published March 7, 2025
In the Kiowa County Press