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City of Lamar - Bid #44-012



City of Lamar

BID # 44-012


The City of Lamar will accept sealed proposals at the Office of the City Treasurer, 102 E Parmenter Street, Lamar, Colorado, 81052, until 5:00 p.m., October 22, 2024. Proposals will be opened at 10:00 a.m. on October 23, 2024 and acknowledged.

All proposals submitted must be sealed and plainly marked “Bid 44-012 RFP City of Lamar Legal Paper of Record”.Proposals must be submitted in writing. No oral, telephone, facsimile, emailed or late proposals will be accepted. All proposals must be signed. Any specific questions regarding the bid specification should be directed to the City Treasurer, Kristin Schwartz, at 719-336-1373 or emailed to

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The successful bidder will be considered the Legal Paper of Record to publish all legal and required notices for the City of Lamar. The successful bidder will follow all requirements in C.R.S 24-70-* LEGAL NOTICES – PUBLICATION. This will include but not be limited to being a newspaper of general circulation and printed or published in whole or in part in the county in which such notice or advertisement is required to be published, except as provided in C.R.S. 24-70-103. Successful bidder must follow the rate structure required by C.R.S. 24-70-107.

Selection of the Newspaper of Record will be based upon qualification, experience, quality assurances, and ability to perform in a timely manner, references, and cost. Before a contract will be awarded, the City may conduct reference investigations as necessary to evaluate and determine the performance record and ability of the top ranked Proposer(s) to perform the size and type of work to be contracted, and to determine the quality of the service being offered. By submitting a proposal, you authorize the City to conduct reference investigations as needed.

The City reserves the right to change the submission deadline or to issue amendments to the RFP at any time or to cancel or reissue the RFP at any time without penalty. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive minor irregularities. Further, the City is not liable for any costs incurred by the proposer including but not limited to the costs for the preparation of the RFP and attendance at the opening.

The City will not be responsible for any error or omission information provided, nor for the failure of proposer to determine the full extent of the effort necessary to provide the requested services

Published September 27, 2024

In the Kiowa County Press