Colorado Statewide Fishing Conditions – February 9, 2018
Conditions Report - Statewide
Rivers and Creeks
Now that we are into the month of January, we notice a shift in fishing conditions. With the arrival of winter, we see low flows and clear waters. This means anglers must be more careful not to spook the fish when approaching the water. Browns have also finished spawning for the season, so be cautious of redds when wading along the rivers. With most of the waters beginning to ice over, anglers will have to primarily rely on tailwaters, which refer to the waters below dams or any other structure that regulates water flow. The regulated water flow keeps the spots from freezing over and provides warmth for the cold-blooded trout. Even with the warmer conditions of these waters, the fish will still behave sluggishly. Fish diets in the winter are made up primarily of midges and an assortment of small blue-winged olive nymphs and are occasionally supplemented by larger mayflies, annelids, trout eggs, stoneflies, and even caddis larva. Winter fishing typically consists of a lot of nymph fishing since the trout are not overly active due to the cold water temperatures, so try using stonefly nymphs and imitation midges. Remember that the hatches are much smaller in the winter, so keep your flies in the #16 to #20 range. It is also important to be mindful of your split shot usage. With the fish being sluggish, they aren’t going to divert too much for food, so making sure those flies drift directly in their path is important. Be sure not to use too much split shot though because the last thing you’ll want to do is to have to retrieve a snag in those cold waters. As the trout continue to get a later start, anglers should mirror that and look for ideal times to be from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Colorado Fishing Atlas
Conditions Report - Northwest Colorado
As of 2/3/2018 there was approximately 10-12 inches of ice the lake. Anglers have reported excellent fishing for 14-16 inches rainbow and cutthroat trout using ice fishing jigs tipped with meal worms, wax worms, or shrimp. Caution is advised because ice thickness is often variable across the lake and can change rapidly. Ice rescue stations are located in several locations throughout the park. Anglers may also contact Vega Reservoir State Park, 15247 North 6/10 Road Unit A, Collbran, CO 81624; Phone: 970-487-3407 for weekly updates on ice conditions and angling success. The entrance station is closed; please use self-serve or come to the Visitor Center for passes. The Visitor Center's winter hours are 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, seven days a week.
Vega State Park
Lake Avery
As of 1/14/2018 the lake has iced over and is all fishable. Ice is now good with more than a foot of ice in the shallow areas and approximately 8 inches over the deeper sections. Fishing has been good for catchable rainbow trout throughout the lake coves and at the inlet area in about 8 to 12 feet of water. An assortment of terminal tackle has been producing, such as jigs tipped with PowerBait, wax worms, night crawlers, etc., tube jigs, plugs, castmasters, and solo night crawlers. An assortment of streamers and flies have been producing as well. Northern pike fishing has been slow, but some small ones are being picked up sporadically. For the benefit of the resource, anglers are strongly encouraged to harvest northern pike and walleye. Anglers may contact Stagecoach State Park for the most up-to-date conditions at (970) 736-8342.
Lake Avery
Harvey Gap Reservoir
As of 2/8/2018, the reservoir has approximately 6-10 inches of ice and anglers have reported that fishing has been slower than earlier in the ice fishing season. Overall, anglers reported a very good ice fishing season at Harvey Gap for perch and pike. Caution is advised as ice conditions can be extremely variable depending on location and can change rapidly. Ice conditions are expected to deteriorate in the next few weeks as temperatures continue to increase. Water level in Harvey Gap was very low for much of the fall of 2017 as a result of a reservoir drawdown conducted by Silt Water Conservancy District to inspect the reservoir’s outlet. During this period of low water level, CPW put a public fish salvage regulation on the lake in which bag and possession limits were removed for all fish species. This public fish salvage is no longer active as it was removed once the reservoir started to refill. Conversations with anglers and a survey conducted by CPW in the fall immediately prior to the lake beginning to refill showed that the same species were present in the reservoir following the drawdown compared to prior to the drawdown (i.e. tiger muskie, rainbow trout, black crappie, bluegill, largemouth bass, yellow perch, channel catfish, northern pike, and smallmouth bass).In addition to stocking tiger muskie, rainbow trout, and channel catfish, CPW will be stocking increased numbers of bluegill and black crappie in 2018 to help the fishery recover from the drawdown more rapidly. Special fishing regulations at Harvey Gap Reservoir include a minimum size of 15” for largemouth bass and a bag and possession limit of 2 for channel catfish. Standard bag and possession limits apply for all other species. Bag and possession limits for smallmouth bass and northern pike are unlimited. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CAN DISTINGUISH TIGER MUSKIE FROM NORTHERN PIKE. ALL TIGER MUSKIE LESS THAN 36 INCHES MUST BE RELEASED ALIVE. For more information regarding tiger muskie, please contact CPW Area Aquatic Biologist Ben Felt at benjamin.felt@state.co.us. Anglers may also contact Harvey Gap/Rifle Gap State Park, 5775 Hwy. 325, Rifle, CO, 81650; Phone: 970-625-1607 for updates on fishing conditions.
Harvey Gap Reservoir State Park
Highline Lake/Mack Mesa Lake
As of 2/7/2018 there was a combination of skim ice and open water from the west boat ramp south toward the dam along the shoreline at Highline Lake. Anglers are advised to stay off the remaining ice because it is not safe for ice fishing. Highline Lake was scheduled to get stocked with rainbow trout the week of 2/4/2018 so fishing for rainbow trout should be good following this first stocking event. As of 2/7/2018 Mack Mesa had open water on the north bank and near the west picnic table. Anglers are advised to stay off the remaining ice because it is not safe for ice fishing. Mack Mesa was scheduled to get stocked with rainbow trout the week of 2/4/2018 so fishing for rainbow trout should be good following this first stocking event. Anglers may contact Highline State Park at 970-858-7208 for updates on conditions.
Highline Lake/Mack Mesa Lake
Rifle Gap Reservoir
As of 2/8/2018 much of the reservoir had ice ranging from 6 to 8 inches thick; however, there are areas of open water that are expanding throughout the day and some of the ice is beginning to have a late-season milky look to it. Caution is advised because ice thickness is often variable across the lake and can change rapidly, especially in the spring as temperatures begin to warm. Ice conditions are expected to deteriorate throughout the next few weeks as temperatures continue to increase. Always take precautions, such as wearing a life jacket and a long rope tied to a shoreline anchor, and be sure to drill test holes. Fishing was good earlier in the ice fishing season for perch, pike, and trout but fishing has slowed down the last couple of weeks. Special fishing regulations at Rifle Gap Reservoir include a bag and possession limit of 1 walleye 18 inches or greater; bag and possession limit for yellow perch is 20. Standard bag and possession limits apply for all other species. Bag and possession limits for smallmouth bass and northern pike are unlimited. Anglers may also contact Harvey Gap/Rifle Gap State Park, 5775 Hwy 325, Rifle, CO, 81650; Phone: 970-625-1607 for updates on fishing conditions.
Rifle Gap Reservoir
Sylvan Lake
Ice was 24 inches thick at the end of January, but could be variable with the unseasonably warm weather. Fishing has been productive for brook trout and rainbow trout. Always use caution when on the ice, unsafe conditions can always exist. BAG LIMITS LIFTED FOR WINTER OF 2017-18 in anticipation of draining the lake for dam renovations beginning the end of March through the summer. While the lake is accessible, anglers are encouraged to catch and remove any fish they can use. Anglers may contact Sylvan Lake State Park for more information: 10200 Brush Creek Rd., P.O. Box 1475, Eagle, CO, 81631, Phone: 970-328-2021.
Sylvan Lake
Conditions Report - Northeast Colorado
Antero Reservoir
As of 2/6/2018 ice was reported 9 inches with some thinner areas. Lately, fishing has taken some patience but the reward has been big. Expect most trout to run between 10 and 20 inches, with numerous seven to ten pound trout being caught. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact Colorado Parks and Wildlife at 303-291-7227.
Antero Reservoir
Chambers Lake
This 250 acre impoundment is located seven miles east of the top of Cameron Pass on Highway 14 and requires some hiking to get to the lake. Chambers offers opportunities to catch cutthroat, rainbow, kokanee salmon, and lake trout through the ice. Ice thickness is over 12 inches, but varies depending on where you are on the reservoir. In general, the inlet bay at shallower depths is usually best for rainbow trout and the deeper locations near steep drops usually produce best for lakers. Expect lake trout 12-22 inches though much larger fish are present as well. Most anglers do well using tipped tube jigs and finding the right depth to fish in.
Chambers Lake
Eleven Mile State Park
ce condition are varying across the reservoir. There are multiple areas of open water. North Shore Boat Ramp was closed Sunday 2/4/2018 due to so many areas of open water. Anyone with an approved Disabled Ice Fishing Permit will not be able to use an ATV/Snowmobile at this time. Use extreme caution if you decide to go out. We have large areas open water. One area goes from North Shore Day Use area between D & E loops all the way across the reservoir to Roger's Mountain, Lazy Boy and Rocking Chair. In addition to that there are several other areas of open water all around the reservoir. Some of these areas may ice back over but will have almost no ice on them so make sure you are drilling test holes. Ice conditions are changing in very short distance so make sure you use all of your ice safety precautions: Have a buddy with you and 50 feet of rope. Drill test holes as you are going out and as you move around. Wear your life jacket! COURTESY OF 11 MILE SPORTS - THE MARINA 02/01/2018 TROUT: FAIR TO GOOD: What about that Super Moon. We did not fish at night but did the day of and the bite was strong and the fish were aggressive. We are definitely finding more action in deeper water starting at 25 feet. Most action is on the bottom but when you get out into 60 feet of water fishing for salmon there are a great deal of great fish suspended from the top down to 30 feet. Pinks and greens seem to be most effective. Action can still be had in shallow water but the wait can be unbearable. Take on walk on the wild side and go deep for a change, it’s fun! KOKANEE SALMON: FAIR: Most of the action continues to be on small groups of fish but very large in size mostly three year olds. All things considered at least we are catching some. They have been very aggressive of late and can be literally right below the ice. Your fish finder might night pick up a fish that is one foot away one foot down. Others seem to be suspended down to 30 feet as well but most are 12 to 15. When they are aggressive they love the spoons tipped with a meal or wax worm. 10:00AM has been a consistent time but you just never know. NORTHERN PIKE: FAIR: The action has been sporadic and mediocre but fish are being caught. North Shore to Rocky Flats and some decent action at Cross Creek. The most effective bait continues to be waterdogs by all accounts. We still have some. If you are fishing two rigs one has to be a dog.
Eleven Mile State Park
Delaney Butte Lakes
As of 1/15/2018 ice is ranging from 3-5 inches. Blue Heron and Mallard have 4 inches or better ice. We do not recommend going onto ice until it is approximately 4 inches thick and healthy. We consider healthy ice to be solid, clear, and bluish in color, without any major cracking or trapped air pockets. Parking is limited near Sandpiper Pond, DO NOT park in campsites without a valid permit.
Delaney Butte Lakes SWA
This 80 acre reservoir is located along Highway 125, seven miles north of Walden. There is roughly 6 inches of solid clear ice with little snow cover as of 2/8/2018. Expect to find rainbows in the 12-15 inch range making up the majority of the catch. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the Lake John Resort (970-723-3226) or North Park Chamber of Commerce (970-723-4600).
Evergreen Lake
This 40-acre reservoir is located on State Route #74 in the town of Evergreen. As of 2/8/2018 the ice is about 6 to 8 inches thick. However, with the warm, mild weather, ice conditions have deteriorated, so practice caution, especially around the inlet, where flowing water can create varying ice thickness. Fishing for trout has been excellent all winter (one of the best in years) using standard rigs such as jigs tipped with mealworms or waxworms.
Evergreen Lake
Georgetown Lake
This 50-acre reservoir is located adjacent to I-70 in the town of Georgetown. As of 2/8/2018 ice thickness ranges from 7 to 9 inches. Be careful near the road bridge across the middle of the lake, as there is currently open water. Fishing for rainbows and browns has been good using baits such as PowerBait and waxworms on ice jigs.
Georgetown Lake
Hohnholz Lake
These three lakes are located west of the Laramie River Road (CR 103) 30 miles north of Highway 14. As of 2/8/2018 there is 8-12 inches of ice cover on these lakes although that could change with different weather patterns, so use caution while heading out fishing. All lakes should be fishing well for the early part of the ice fishing season. Hohnholz #2, is 37 acres and has rainbow trout and Snake River cutthroat trout ranging 12-16 inches. Hohnholz #3 is 40 acres and has Snake River cutthroat and brown trout up to 18 inches. Hohnholz #1 experiences low dissolved oxygen and routinely winter kills later in the ice fishing season. Access to the lakes is weather dependent so watch for drifting conditions. Ice conditions will be similar to those found on North Park Lakes. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact West Laramie Fly Store (888-745-9565).
Honholz Lakes
Jackson Reservoir
This 2,967 acre reservoir is located approximately 32 miles east of Greeley and 10 miles north of Wiggins. As of 2/7/2018 ice was 3-10 inches thick depending on location. Please use caution when venturing out onto the ice. Fishing for all species has been slow. For more information about Jackson Reservoir, please see the fishery survey summary. For up-to-date fishing and ice conditions contact the park at 970-645-2551.
Jackson Reservoir
Jumbo Reservoir
This 1,570 acre reservoir is located 35 miles northeast of Sterling and six miles west of Sedgwick. As of 2/7/2018 the ice was only 3-10 inches thick, depending on location. Please use caution when venturing out onto the ice. Fishing for crappie and walleye has been good. For more information about Jumbo Reservoir, please see the fishery survey summary.
Jumbo Reservoir
Lake John
This 565 acre impoundment is located 15 miles northwest of Walden. As of 2/8/2018 there is roughly 16 inches of solid clear ice. Lake John grows fat rainbow trout, Snake River cutthroat trout, and cuttbows. Fishing thus far has been steady with most fish in the 10-15” range, but larger fish are being caught as well. Fish are dispersed throughout the lake so try changing depth if you aren't getting into them. Bait is allowed at Lake John, but no live minnows. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the Lake John Resort (970-723-3226).
Lake John
Lon Hagler Reservoir
More than 6,000 catchable trout have been recently stocked. Ice fishing came and went rather quickly, open water is visible with conditions deteriorating quickly. Fishing for largemouth and smallmouth bass is by catch and release only.
Lon Hagler Reservoir
Red Feather Lakes
The Red Feather Lakes are northwest of Fort Collins about 20 miles west of Livermore. As of 2/8/2018 all of the lakes have ice cover. Ice thickness is around 8 inches depending on the lake and location on the lake. When venturing out on the ice, keep an eye out for any open water, and especially stay away from the islands and large rock outcroppings that tend to have the thinnest ice. Parvin, Dowdy and West lakes are located on the east side of town. Bellaire Lake is a bit further south off of CR 162 and there is a short walk into the lake. Bellaire is 10 acres and has rainbow trout around 10 inches. Dowdy Lake is 115 acres. Dowdy had a flare-up of anchor worm earlier this summer that causes red sores on the side of fish. This does not affect the meat and these fish are safe to eat when properly cooked. West Lake is 25 acres and fishing is typically good with small jigs for both browns and rainbows. Parvin is 63 acres and fishing is typically more challenging, but browns and rainbows there are in excellent shape generally ranging 12-16 inches. Note that Parvin is fly and lure only and has a different bag limit from other lakes in the area. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the Fort Collins CPW office (970-472-4300).
Red Feather Lakes
This lake is 81 acres and located about 15 miles south of Walden. As of 2/8/2018 there is roughly 6 inches of solid clear ice. Try Seymour if you are looking to get away from crowds on other North Park waters. The road into Seymour is not maintained and you may have to walk around a quarter mile to access the lake. Expect fishing to be decent early in the season and taper off going into February. Typical fish will be in the 10-12 inch range with an occasional larger fish. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions.
Seymour SWA
Tarryall Reservoir
This 175 acre impoundment is located along Park County Hwy 77 between the town of Jefferson and Lake George. Currently there is about 8-9 inches of ice with some potential open water areas. Fishing for both trout and pike has been fair to good. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact Colorado Parks and Wildlife at 303-291-7227.
Tarryall Reservoir
Conditions Report - Southeast Colorado
Arkansas River
Current river flows near Salida are ranging from 340-400 hovering around 300 cubic feet per second, making for great wade fishing conditions. With such a mild January and beginning of February, we are continuing to see excellent fishing conditions. Beginning in the late morning, and lasting through the afternoon, you can expect to see strong midge activity. Most fish are now congregated in smaller areas, in deeper and slower moving runs, adjacent to the main current. Where you find one fish, you will likely find more. Nymphing with a two-fly setup is the way to go this time of year. Also keep an eye out for rising fish and dry fly opportunities during heavy midge hatches. Recommended would be nymphing a larger stonefly imitation or attractor fly, paired with a small midge or mayfly nymph imitation. Focus your efforts between 10am-3pm to find the most active fish and insect activity.
Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area
Clear Creek Reservoir
Located north of Buena Vista, Clear Creek has 8-10 inches of ice as of 2/7/2018. Fishing has been good. Trout fishing is good with wax worms, meal worms, jigs, flies, and PowerBait. Fishing is better near the boat ramp. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the CPW Salida Area Office (719-530-5520).
Clear Creek Reservoir
Crystal Lakes
Located south of Leadville, Crystal Lakes is restricted to artificial flies and lures only, and trout fishing is good at this time. Ice is about 8-10 inches thick as of 2/7/2018. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the CPW Salida Area Office (719-530-5520).
Crystal Lakes
DeWeese Reservoir
As of 2/2/2018 there were only three ice fishermen out on DeWeese at the west end. There was quite a bit of open water mid-lake and you could actually do open water fishing from shore. There were other smaller pockets of standing water throughout and edges were getting soft. The best ice is still on the west end 10-12 inches. The three guys had six nice rainbows ranging from 12-18 inches, caught on a variety of jigs and PowerBait. Fishermen should use caution with the open water and warm temperatures. For current conditions, contact the CPW Pueblo Area Office (719-561-5300).
DeWeese Reservoir
Frantz Lake
Located just outside Salida, Frantz Lake has mostly thawed off as of 2/7/2018. Ice conditions may change, however, if we hit a cold spell of weather. If you see ice on Frantz, be advised that it is likely thin and unsafe. Use good judgement and caution. Fishing is good from shore for trout at this time. Fishermen are catching fish, mostly with PowerBait and salmon eggs. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the CPW Salida Area Office (719-530-5520).
Frantz Lake
Lathrop State Park
Boat Ramps are now closed and will reopen March 2018. Both lakes have some ice, but the thickness and amount is extremely variable from week to week and day to day with the temperatures and conditions we have been experiencing this winter. The fishing at Lathrop is hit or miss this time of the year. Try chasing muskie or pike as the temperatures cool off and winter settles in. Throw bigger baits as these fish are trying to put weight on for the winter season. Good luck, and stop by the Visitor Center to show off your catch.
Lathrop State Park
Manitou Reservoir
Located just north of Woodland Park, this 16-acre reservoir is situated on U.S. Forest Service fee area. The reservoir is currently has about 15 inches of ice as of 2/1/2018. With the warmer weather this winter, ice conditions can change a lot from day to day. Please use caution and good judgment on lake ice. Anglers are encouraged to contact the USFS at (719)-636-1602 for the latest conditions, hours of operation, and information about required fees. Anglers may also contact the CPW Colorado Springs Office (719-227-5200) for current conditions.
Manitou Reservoir
Monument Reservoir
This 40-acre lake is located at the Monument Lake Resort about 30 miles west of Trinidad. As of 2/6/2018 the ice on the lake is broken and unsafe, one third of the lake was open water. As of 2/8/2018 the main gate is still open, but there is no guarantee on day to day access. The parking area is controlled by the City of Trinidad. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the Pueblo Office (719-561-5300) or DWM Bob Holder (719-680-1410).
Monument Reservoir
North Lake
This 100-acre lake is located just east of Monument Reservoir (west of Trinidad). As of 2/6/2018 the ice is broken and unsafe. Ice thickness at the boat ramp was less than 3 inches. There is also open water at the inlet and some areas around shore. Please be reminded that North Lake SWA is restricted to artificial flies and lures only. Remember to always use caution when walking on ice and use appropriate safety equipment. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the Pueblo Area Office (719-561-5300) or DWM Bob Holder (719-680-1410).
North Lake
Turquoise Reservoir
Located west of Leadville, Turquoise has 8-12 inches of good ice as of 2/7/2018. Be cautious! Fishing is currently fair for rainbow trout with mostly average sized trout being caught, fishing for lake trout has been fair. Fishermen are using jigs, lures, flies, PowerBait, and mealworms. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the CPW Salida Area Office (719-530-5520).
Turquoise Reservoir
Twin Lakes
Located southwest of Leadville, Twins Lakes has 8-12 inches of good as of 2/7/2018. The area near the power plant on the lower lake remains unstable, and caution should be used in this area. Fishing has been slow to good with anglers using jigs with sucker meat, grubs, PowerBait, flies and meal worms. Some anglers have been catching nice lake trout over 34 inches in length. The Dexter boat ramp gate may not open this year for vehicle access onto the lakes. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the CPW Salida Area Office (719-530-5520).
Twin Lakes
Conditions Report - Southwest Colorado
Big Meadows Reservoir
This 114 acre reservoir is a State Wildlife Area southwest of South Fork. From Highway 160, access along Forest Road 410. Currently the lake is only accessible by snowmobile, skis or snowshoes (2 miles). Because of its access restrictions and remote location, Big Meadows offers a good opportunity for anglers to enjoy a day of fishing away from the crowds while enjoying breathtaking views of nearby peaks in the Weminuche Wilderness. As of 2/7/2018 ice conditions ranged from 12-18 inches thick and anglers are asked to use caution. Fishing has been good and anglers have been successful using worms at the upper end in the shallows. Fishing by the dam is also productive this time of year. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the Monte Vista office (719-587-6900).
Big Meadows Reservoir
Continental Reservoir
This 374 acre reservoir is located approximately 15 miles west of Creede. Ice fishing has been good lately and ice thickness is 10-15 inches as of 2/7/2018. The lake was restocked last year and provides the opportunity to catch rainbow trout and Snake River cutthroat trout. The fishing has been good at Continental and anglers have reported doing well with mealworms and PowerBait. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the Monte Vista office (719-587-6900).
Continental Reservoir
Crawford State Park
Anglers have been limiting out on crappie and trout. Perch have been plentiful. There are reports of pike in the 24-30 inch range, as well as catfish. Many anglers are near the dam and at the end of the peninsula. With the warmer weather, ice is deteriorating around the edges. This is occurring anywhere from 1-2 feet from shore. As of 2/6/2018 the ice measures anywhere from 6-10 inches. Please drill test holes along the way to be sure that the integrity of the ice is safe to your liking. Ice conditions change daily. It is up to you to judge based on your location.
Crawford State Park
Echo Canyon Reservoir
This 118 acre reservoir is a State Wildlife Area located a few miles south of Pagosa Springs on US 84. High temperatures have been in the 50F range for weeks with more warm weather forecasted. As of 2/7/2018 ice is rapidly degrading and there are many open areas near the south facing shorelines. For more information please contact the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Durango office at 970-247-0855.
Echo Canyon Reservoir
Mountain Home Reservoir
This is a State Wildlife Area near Fort Garland. As of 2/7/2018 ice conditions are currently unknown and due to warm weather anglers are asked to use extreme caution. The water level in this reservoir is variable and may be low during the winter. It is accessible by vehicle to the boat ramp. Fishing has been good for 12-15 inch rainbow trout, anglers report having good luck with earth worms. Northern Pike are present in the reservoir, due to an illicit introduction. Anglers are encouraged to keep all northern pike they catch because they can decimate a trout fishery in just a few years. For updated fishing reports, contact the Monte Vista office (719-587-6900).
Mountain Home Reservoir
Rito Hondo Lake
Anglers can expect to catch brook trout and occasionally cutthroat and rainbow trout. As of 2/7/2018 the lake has about 12 inches of ice but warm weather could affect ice and anglers should use caution. Fishing conditions have been good at Rito Hondo and anglers report doing well with glow jigs and mealworms. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the Monte Vista office (719-587-6900).
Rito Hondo Lake
Road Canyon Reservoir
This 140-acre lake is a State Wildlife Area located near Creede. The lake is typically easily accessible by vehicle but four-wheel drive vehicles are sometimes needed to access the lake following snowstorms. Anglers can expect to catch rainbow trout and brook trout from 10 to 20 inches. Fishing tends to be better early in the morning. Fishing has been good at Road Canyon recently. As of 2/7/2018 ice thickness ranges from 10-12 inches. Extreme caution should be used around the solar water circulators because the ice is much thinner and not safe near these units. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the Monte Vista office (719-587-6900).
Road Canyon Reservoir
Sanchez reservoir
This large reservoir is a State Wildlife Area located 6.5 miles south of San Luis. It is accessible by vehicle to the boat ramp. As of 2/7/2018 ice conditions are unknown and due to warm temperatures extreme caution should be used when accessing this lake. Ice fishing has been extremely slow recently at Sanchez. Recent fishery surveys and discussions with local anglers indicate that walleye, yellow perch, northern pike, common carp, white sucker, and channel catfish are still present in the reservoir following the dam repair operations. A Fish Consumption Advisory issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment recommends that anglers not consume any northern pike from Sanchez Reservoir. Walleye over 15 inches in length should only be consumed for a maximum of 1 meal per month for the general population; children under 6 years old, pregnant women, nursing women, and women who plan on being pregnant are advised to not consume any walleye over 15 inches.
Sanchez Reservoir
Smith Reservoir
This is a State Wildlife Area near Fort Garland. As of 2/7/2018 ice conditions are unknown and due to warm temperatures extreme caution should be used when accessing this lake. Fishing has been moderate at Smith lately, last season provided above average conditions as anglers reported catching fair to good number of stocker-sized rainbow trout throughout the season. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the Monte Vista office (719-587-6900).
Smith Reservoir
Trujillo Meadows Reservoir
Currently under Emergency Public Fish Salvage due to dam repairs this year. All bag and possession limits have been removed, anglers must have a valid Colorado Fishing license and use lawful angling methods. This 69-acre lake is a State Wildlife Area located 40 miles west of Antonito. As of 2/7/2018 ice conditions are unknown and anglers should use extreme caution. Access is by foot, snowmobile, skis, or snowshoes. Anglers can expect to catch brown trout and rainbow trout. Anglers last season reported catching 12-14 inch rainbow trout with ice jigs tipped with mealworms. For updated fishing reports and ice conditions, contact the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Monte Vista office (719-587-6900).
Trujillo Meadows Reservoir
Conditions Report - Metro Denver Area
Aurora Reservoir
This 762-acre impoundment is located off of E. Quincy Avenue, two miles east of E-470. As of 2/2/2018 the only ice was in Marina, Senac, and Lonetree coves, varying from 4 to 6 inches in thickness. However, with the mild weather and some recent wind, the ice has probably deteriorated even further. Water levels are continuing to rise after construction on the dam. Shore angling for trout off the dam has been fair using PowerBait and the ice fishing for trout and yellow perch has been fair. Contact the Aurora Reservoir at 303-326-8444 for the latest fishing conditions.
Aurora Reservoir
Boyd Lake
As of 1/22/2018 ice conditions have been reported around 4-5 inches on the north end of the lake, however recent warm weather conditions have caused increased cracking and open water. Ice fishing is unsafe and not recommended at this time. Anglers have been catching perch and crappie near the dam, with some smaller walleye. For updated ice conditions, contact Barr Lake State Park at 303-659-6005.
Boyd Lake State Park
Chatfield Reservoir
This 1,356 impoundment is located in Chatfield State Park, in Littleton. The entrance to the park is on S. Wadsworth Blvd, one mile south of C-470. As 2/8/2018 the only ice still left is on the southern end near the South Platte River inlet. With the mild breezy weather since then, consider the ice extremely unsafe. Chatfield Reallocation construction work at the North Boat Ramp began on December 1 and will close the parking lot. For additional closures, visit chatfieldreallocation.org for updated information. For more information call Chatfield State Park at 303-791-7275.
Chatfield State Park
Bear Creek Reservoir
This 103-acre impoundment is located in Bear Creek Regional Park off Morrison Road in Lakewood. Note that this is a City of Lakewood park, so a CPW parks pass does not work here. As of 2/5/2018 ice thickness was 7 to 8 inches. As in January, fishing for rainbow trout has been good using minnows or waxworms. A few smallmouth bass have been caught through the ice. For updated ice conditions, contact Bear Creek Lake Park (303-697-6159).
Bear Creek Reservoir