Numerous people in a large kitchen performing various cooking duties.

Cooking at Home - Chapatis Flatbread

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Plate of chapatis flatbread on a cloth.

Makes: 6 servings

Just four ingredients is all you need to make delicious flatbread at home! Serve with dip at your next gathering or as a side to dinner.


  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 2/3 cup water (warm)
  • 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
  • 1 dash salt


  1. Place the flour in a large mixing bowl. Add water, oil, and salt. Mix with fork and then with hands. Keep mixing until you can make a ball.
  2. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes. Let rest for 30 minutes in the bowl, covered with a damp cloth.
  3. Roll the ball into a 12-inch log and cut into 6 chunks.
  4. Roll each chunk into a very thin pancake, about 7 inches in diameter. Don't worry about making the dough into a perfect circle-just try to get it as thin as you can.
  5. Heat a cast iron skillet (lightly greased) on medium-high heat. Place one chapati in the skillet and cook for 30 seconds.
  6. Use a spatula to lift bread. When chapati gets brown spots and bubbles, flip it over and cook for another 30 seconds.
  7. Wrap the cooked chapati in a cloth napkin while cooking the rest.
  8. Eat them right away with a little butter or margarine, or use as scoops for eating other dishes.

Source: Wellness Ways Resource Book: Taste of the World, University of Illinois Extension Service

Nutrition Information

Serving Size: 6 Servings Per Container



Total Calories


Total Fat

3 g

Saturated Fat

0 g


0 mg


28 mg


29 g

Dietary Fiber

4 g

Total Sugars

0 g

Added Sugars included

0 g


5 g

Vitamin D

0 mcg


14 mg


1 mg


145 mg