Michelle Wyckoff - Community Columnist

A Day in the Life

By Michelle Wyckoff

Kleenex.  It was first introduced in 1924 as a way to remove cold cream.  As far as I can tell, the first cold cream was Ponds or Noxema.  Women have used it as makeup remover, foundation under makeup, lip balm, body lotion, and, wonder of wonders, even men have used it as an exfoliator.

Back in the day, it was used in barber shops as a shaving cream for men.  It makes me wonder if Burrel Wissel ever used it in his Maine Street barber shop. It makes me wonder if there is anyone still here that used to go to Burrel’s for a shave and a haircut.  My dad used to go there.  I’ll bet it was just like the old-time beauty shop for women, except that there were probably conversations that took place there that never have, and never will, come to light.  

But back to Kleenex.  Where would I be without it?  As one who has had a cold for the past few weeks, let’s just say I’m really thankful for the inventor, whoever it was, and consider it one of the greatest inventions ever.  I may even have to put the Noxema that I use on my feet on my face, just for old time’s sake---that is if I have any Kleenex left after my cold has finally run it’s course….


May you be living the good life, Jack Gardner!