Grace Lutheran Church Weekly Devotion – Matthew 25:14-30
Matthew 25:14–30

Jesus is telling the story of the kingdom of heaven. He is revealing His kingdom of grace, which begins with the Christian Church on earth. His message in this parable is clear, activity is demanded, and not simply passive faithfulness. Two of the servants were able to give their master double what he had generously entrusted to them. They were commended “Well done . . . Enter into the joy of your master” (21). Living in our Master’s joy means trusting in the God Jesus reveals rather than in the god we may imagine. The third servant imagined his master as a “hard man.” Since he did not trust the generosity of his master, the judgment the wicked servant received was according to what he believed: “. . . cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness” (cf. 28-30).
It is sad many reject Jesus’ revelation of God. Some imagine God is “hard” and brutal. Others imagine a god that is like a kindhearted grandfather, too weak to do any harm but strong enough to love us. Instead of repentance, there is tolerance. Rather than forgiveness, this god offers acceptance. Unfortunately, this imaginary god will not save.
Living in our Master’s joy means we rejoice that Jesus reveals God the Father as gracious and generous. Not as One who rules with a harsh hand but who saves by His action. In Christ Jesus, God entered our world to save us, not by becoming what we want Him to be, but by being the One we need Him to be. Our gracious God knows the eternal cost of sin and so He sent His Son to die under our eternal punishment. Jesus suffered death on the cross so the debt of every sin would be forgiven before God. God raised Him from the dead, not to tolerate sin and accept sinners as they are but that all who trust in Him alone will hear those gracious words, on the great day Christ Jesus returns in His glory to receive His own. “Well done, good and faithful servant. . . . Enter into the joy of your Master.”
May the Lord “who began [this] good work in you, bring it to completion in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ”: Amen (cf. Philippians 1:6).
825 North 1st West
Cheyenne Wells, CO, 80810-0728
Sunday Service begins at 9:00AM