Kiowa County Commissioners meeting minutes - January 11, 2022
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
The Re-organizational meeting of the Kiowa County Commissioners was Called to order on January 11,
2022; at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Donald Oswald. Lening opened the meeting with Prayer and Pledge of
Those in attendance:
- Donald Oswald, Chairman
- Howard Butch Robertson, Commissioner
- Mike Lening, Commissioner
- Delisa Weeks, County Clerk
- Tina Adamson, County Administrator
Minutes: Robertson moved, and Oswald seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the December
30, 2021 as presented. Motion carried.
Vouchers: Lening moved, and Robertson seconded the motion to approve the vouchers as presented.
Motion carried.
Agenda: Oswald moved, and Lening seconded the motion to approve the agenda with one addition.
2022 EMPG-LEMS. Motion carried.
Re-organizational meeting began at 09:30 a.m. and concluded at 10:57 a.m.
Tearle Lessenden, Kiowa County Extension Agent; entered the meeting to discuss some of the SCEDD housing project and exactly how it would work. Mr. Lessenden exited at 10:45 a.m.
Robertson moved, and Oswald seconded to table the Kiowa County Fair Board until the last meeting in
February. Motion carried.
Oswald moved, and Lening seconded the motion to recess the meeting for lunch hour at 11:56 a.m.
Motion carried.
The Regular meeting reconvened at 1:00 p.m. Cindy McLoud entered the meeting at this time.
Those who have entered the meeting as a member of the audience are:
Rick Spady, Road Foremen
Allen Watts, Road Foremen
Lance Larrew, 4 Rivers Equipment
Cindy McLoud
Mr. Larrew entered the meeting at 1:00 p.m. to discuss figures for new road graders. Discussion followed. No action taken. Larrew will put together a purchase option and present to the BOCC in the near future. Watts and Spady exited the meeting at 1:30 p.m.
Doug Eckberg and Bryce Batterton with APHIS entered the meeting at 1:50 p.m.to provide an update of what kind of services they provide such as coyote control. Batterton reported that in the cooperation
agreement he has allotted 285 hours of service for this area. Robertson moved, and Lening seconded
the motion to approve the Cooperation Agreement with the Department of Agriculture in the amount of
$7,789.49. Motion carried. Administrator Adamson has the contact information in the Admin Office if
someone should need to get in contact with APHIS.
Grant Updates: Administrative Adamson reported that Landfill Manager, Jeff Scranton; was getting estimates for more equipment for the Landfill for the RREO Grant. Adamson explained the SECOG Grants were sent at the end of December and she has not heard if they were approved or not.
Dennis Pearson, Director of Social Services; entered the meeting at 1:55 p.m. to provide an update for
his office. The new office hours seem to be working well for Social Services. Pearson will contact Royse Electric for the electrical work that is needed for the new front door for Social Services. Pearson exited the meeting at 2:25 p.m.
Cindy McLoud entered the meeting for KCEDF updates: McLoud, Coordinator for KCEDF will be working more extensively with the SCEDD project. She said they have established the four properties for the project in the town of Eads. McLoud discussed the need for a new website for economic development and questioned if she could possibly have access to the County Website. The BOCC agreed she could do so.
Discussion followed over a Class A Membership with KCEDF. Lening moved, to use TANF Funds in the
amount of $7500.00 to purchase the Class A membership for grant assistance for Kiowa County. Robertson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
McLoud thanked the BOCC for their time and the donation of services.
Landfill: Adamson provided information on pictures the State Inspector had taken of the recent inspection. There were discrepancies, but he also had come down when the major wind/dirt storm had
come thru leaving a lot of trash in the fence row at the landfill. No action taken.
Reports and meetings were discussed and signed.
County Mileage Rate: Robertson moved, and Lening seconded the motion to raise the County Mileage
rate from 33 cents to 45 cents per mile. Motion carried.
Gary Heyde, a person who has great interest in the National Park Service entered the meeting by ZOOM to discuss the National Sand Creek Road. Mr. Heyde asked to have the granite marker to be replaced and to have the road asphalted to the site. He feels the marker is an insult to the Indians and the public. Mr. Heyde is working on a grant to get funding for the road going to the Sand Creek Battlegrounds. Mr. Heyde thanked the BOCC and ended the Zoom call.
Treasurer Annual Reports: Chairman Oswald signed the reports.
Sheriff's Office Wage Correction: Oswald moved, to approve the Sheriff bringing in the base line salary
to $40000.00 out of his 2022 Budget. Robertson seconded the motion. Roll Call was taken Robertson yes, Lening-yes and Oswald-yes. Motion carried.
Employee/FM LA: Lening moved, to allow a county employee to work part time from home and keep
benefits for two months. Oswald seconded the motion. Motion carried.
2022 EMPG-LEMS: Oswald moved, to approve the 2022 EMPG-LEMS Grant and Lening seconded the
motion. Motion carried. These funds will assist the Emergency Manager position.
Bryce Kraft, Maintenance worker resigned from his position. The BOCC would like to thank Mr. Kraft for his service.
Adamson had received a CORA request for Standards of Service Plan for Weisbrod Hospital. She will
gather more information to present.
Oswald moved, and Lening seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:30 p.m. Motion carried.
/s/ Donald Oswald
/s/ Delisa L. Weeks
County Clerk