Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - November 23
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
The Regular Kiowa County Commissioner’s meeting was called to order on November 22, 2016 at 900 a.m. by Chairman Richard Scott. Scott opened the meeting with prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. Those in attendance were:
Richard Scott, Chairman
Cindy McLoud, Commissioner
Donald Oswald, Commissioner
Delisa Weeks, County Clerk
Tina Adamson, County Administrator
Scott moved and Oswald seconded to accept the minutes as presented. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to approve the vouchers as presented. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
McLoud moved and Oswald seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Jeanne Sorensen with the Kiowa County Press entered the meeting at 09:35 a.m. to present the Colorado Open Records Request for the 2017 year. This is a request for upcoming meetings and agendas. Sorensen asked if she could get a copy of the agenda before the commissioner’s meetings so she can post them on the computer for the public. Commissioners discussed printing unofficial minutes in the paper again.
Sorensen asked if the commissioners still wanted her to collect the E-Waste. The commissioners said they would appreciate if she would continue to do so.
Bob Walters with Air Med Care entered the meeting to provide information on air life transport insurance available to our county residents. He had different price quotes for membership enrollment. Oswald suggested that Walters try to meet one on one with the employees of the County to see if they would be interested in purchasing air life insurance. Walters thanked the Board and exited the meeting.
JC Carerra and Connie Brase with Southeast Mental Health entered the meeting to provide updates on services they are providing in Kiowa County and surrounding counties as well. Carrera said Southeast Mental Health had hired a doctor who will be managing the suboxin program, which is for drug and chronic pain addiction. Both of the situations require a contract to be signed by the client and referral to Southeast Mental Health by the client’s local provider. Carerra did state he had been working with local providers to get this program started in our area.
Ann-Marie Crampton with Lamar Community College met with the commissioners to discuss the COSI Scholarship. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to have Lamar Community College continue to be the fiscal agent for the COSI Funding. This COSI Scholarship is offered to full time students of all ages that qualify. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Oswald moved to recess the regular meeting and move into the Budget Hearing at 11:05 a.m. McLoud seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative. No one from the public was in attendance to voice objection of the proposed 2017 Budget. Oswald wanted to go onto record to discuss the HSA Saving Program. The county is returning 100 percent of the savings from the Health Insurance Premiums to the county employee. It is the difference in the county’s fully paid option and the high deductible health plan premiums that the county will contribute to the HSA enrollees. Scott moved and Oswald seconded the motion to close the Budget Hearing at 11:40 a.m.
The Regular meeting reconvened at 11:40 a.m. Scott moved to cut the Ceramics Coordinator position from 14 hours a week to 10 hours a week and Oswald seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Oswald moved to adopt the 2017 budget as proposed and Scott seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Grant Updates: Commissioner McLoud reported on the Murdock Grant. Lee Merkel with DOLA is to forward a copy of the contract with the change of scope on the Murdock Grant for review.
Adamson said the county has received the waiver for asbestos removal for the landfill.
Events Update: Finals figures for the Oktoberfest was presented.
Fire District: There will be a meeting December 6, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. to discuss the process for the formation of the fire district.
Upcoming Meetings: The County Employee Christmas party will be held on December 13, 2016.
Scott moved and Oswald seconded to recess the meeting at 11:50 a.m. for lunch. All Commissioners voted Affirmative. The Regular meeting reconvened at 1:00 p.m.
NEW BUSINESS: Meetings attended and reports provided to the Commissioners were reviewed and signed. Meetings attended by the Commissioners were:
Time off Request: Request was reviewed. McLoud moved and Oswald seconded the motion to approve the time off requests. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Landfill: McLoud and Oswald had met with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to discuss the local landfills. McLoud and Oswald had several questions for them regarding regulations. The State did admit that they are partly at fault for not following through with some of the regulations they were enforcing. However, the State would like to make sure the county landfills are in compliance. The CDPHE is going to the legislature and ask for some kind of funding to assist in the testing of the water wells to help offset some of the issues the landfills in rural Colorado have to become or remain compliant by state regulations.
Chris Sorensen and Jeannie Sorensen entered the meeting to discuss the Kiowa County Press. Adamson questioned if the Public Legal Notices were being placed on the Associated Press. Sorensen said he understood by earlier instructions that all legal notices were on the associated press. However the AP missed putting a step for the upload and Chris Sorensen said after realizing there was one missing step it had been corrected and everything for the year 2016 had been uploaded. Sorensen said they had met the required periodic status mailings with the postal service and the other printed version of the Kiowa County Press went to the news racks. Scott asked Mr. Sorensen if he could provide proof that they are a legal newspaper and Mr. Sorensen said he would do so. After lengthy discussion Chris Sorensen and Jeannie Sorensen thanked the board for their time and exited the meeting.
Employee concerns: Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to go into executive session at 4:05 p.m. All Commissioner voted Affirmative. The reason for the executive session was for employee concern and personnel reasons. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to adjourn the executive session at 4:17 p.m. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
The next regular Commissioner meeting will be December 13, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. Upcoming Commissioner’s meetings for January are the 10th and the 26th of 2017.
With no further business to be addressed Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to adjourn the regular meeting at 4:17 p.m. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.