Kiowa County Commissioners' Meeting Minutes - September 29
The Regular Kiowa County Commissioner’s Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Richard Scott on September 29, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. Commissioner Richard Scott opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Those in Attendance:
Richard Scott, Chairman
Cindy McLoud, Commissioner
Donald Oswald, Commissioner
Delisa Weeks, County Clerk
Tina Adamson, County Administrator
Oswald moved and Scott seconded the motion to approve minutes as presented. All Commissioner voted Affirmative
McLoud moved and Oswald seconded the motion to pay the vouchers as approved. All Commissioners voted affirmative.
Scott moved and McLoud seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended. All Commissioners voted Affirmative. New Business was the Landfill issues
Old Business: Salary for Sharon Frazee and a 911 meeting with Bent County.
Kathy McKorkle with the Domestic Safety Resource Center and Lisa Thomas entered the meeting at 09:10 a.m. McKorkle invited the commissioners to the 13 Th Annual Fantasy Tree Auction. It will be on November 19, 2016 in Lamar at the Elks Club at 6:00 p.m. McKorkle said there will be entertainment, silent auction, great food and the auctioning of the decorated Christmas trees and wreaths different organizations or entities have done to support the Safety Resource Center.
McKorkle did provide an update on how many services the Domestic Safety resource Center has provided for the year so far. She reported 105 cases have been referred to Domestic Safety.
Auditor, Ron Farmer entered the meeting at 09:50 a.m. to review the audit. The audit went very well for the county. He did encourage the Commissioners to hire someone to do the accounting for the Social Services program.
Old Business:
McLoud updated everyone on the REDI Grant with the Department of Local Affairs. Discussion followed. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to accept the grant and enter into agreement with Atkinson-Noland & Associates, Inc. These associates will travel to Kiowa County and inspect the grandstands and collect data as to what repairs and updates need to be done on the grandstands. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Adamson reported Josh with Gobbell and Hayes had received three more bids on the Rialto Motel.
Jail Diversion/ Stepping up Initiative Update had a meeting with Byron Hall. The Advantage Group is still planning to open in Lamar with a projected timeframe of July 2017.
Railroad Updates were discussed. Administrator Adamson said the current owners, V & S Railway are disputing their taxes owed for 2014 and 2015 years.
Events: Adamson said everything is moving forward with the Oktoberfest and was going to meet with Pat Roper and Roland Sorensen to begin the Veteran’s Day preparations.
Fire District Update: The notices were being mailed out and advertising would need to be done.
Marijuana Ordinance: The County Attorney, Wendy Shinn had reviewed the Lincoln County ordinance and needed more clarification before she would advise the Commissioners as to what her recommendations are for an ordinance.
Sheriff Department: Scott moved to not consider a move for the Sheriff’s Office and Oswald seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Oswald said the 911 Meeting with Bent County is a must, as two of the current Bent County Commissioners will no longer be Commissioners in 2017.
Krissy Ray with the transit board presented information on the 2017 CSBG Grant. Ray said there was a needs assessment sent out by the Department of Social Services for people who are at125% below the poverty level. The new program the Transit Board would like to start is called “Kiowa County Healthy Choices”. This would assist in the purchase of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables as well as milk. This is to be used for a nutritional diet. These funds could only be used at local businesses. McLoud moved and Oswald seconded to request the CSBG amend the Grant to divide the funds for 2017. Fifty percent of the grant will go toward the Transit Fund and the other 50% to start the Kiowa County Healthy Choices Program. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Jan Richards with KCEDF entered the meeting to discuss several line items.
Richards said she had received information in regards to the lakes. She said the Fort Lyon Canal owes Amity Canal extra water and in turn Amity will be running this water into our lakes.
Richards said there will be a special meeting in regards to the lower to moderate income apartment complex KCEDF is putting in. She said there are rumors going around that this complex will be a section 8 property and it is not going to be. She said this complex will be kept up, meeting all covenants that the other property in the same area has to.
Richards reported she had just received a phone call in regards to the town of Eads providing VA housing. This would be 600 to 800 square feet housing. She said she was not sure how or if this would be something that our town could handle or would even want. She will be receiving more information and will be providing updates as it comes in.
Richards has done a face book support request for funding for the Roadside Park in Eads. She is requesting information be provided to Colorado Department of Transportation from the Commissioners in regards to the Veteran’s Memorial that has been installed at the Roadside Park. She said this letter needs to be done promptly. Richards is requesting the letters of support due to the Department of Transportation may be adjusting lower to minimal funding to keep the park looking nice and clean.
Dream Big Aerospace Project would like to do a presentation in southeast Colorado. They thought Eads High School would be the best location for this project. Richards will have more information forthcoming when made available.
Richards asked if the Commissioners would support KCEDF for 2017. They said they would have to wait for the budget meeting.
The Sewing Center is still being considered for the town of Haswell.
The daycare is still in the works and Richards is working on a fundraiser for the daycare.
Scott moved to recess for lunch at 11:52 a.m. Oswald seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
The regular meeting reconvened at 1:13 pm.
New Business: Reports were reviewed and signed.
McLoud said Charles Thompson from the USDA would like to meet with the Commissioners either the 17th or 20th of October.
Pricilla Waggoner with the Kiowa County Independent entered the meeting at 2:15pm.
There were no time off requests made.
Downtown Colorado Conference-McLoud had attended the Downtown Colorado Conference and reported that this meeting was very interesting. She said one of the main discussions was the limited parking in bigger cities. McLoud questioned as to whether the use of the lot just south of the Kiowa Abstract Office could be utilized when there are Main Street special events going on. McLoud said she knew the property was owned by the county and city and would need to discuss it with the town of Eads as well.
The Employee Health Insurance was discussed. Adamson reported the Health Benefit Advisor Group who had come down and provided information earlier in the year came back with a 15% increase in insurance quotes. Adamson did state this group did not receive a very good response from the county employees’ and their medical information, therefore the group could not provide a very accurate proposal. She did state that CTSI has quoted only a 1% rate increase for 2017.
There will be a meeting with the landfill issues on October 21st or the 25th.
Exempt Positions were discussed. Scott said there were only two exempt employees in the county.
Salary for Sharon Frazee was discussed and will continue to be the same.
Clerk Weeks presented a quote from the Dominion Voting System that the Secretary of the State is requesting that each county purchase. The Secretary of State will assist in the cost for training for each county if they will move to Dominion Voting Systems in the year 2016 or 2017. The Secretary of State would like to have the State of Colorado be a Universal Voting System by the year 2020. Weeks will get more clarification from the Dominion Voting System before any decisions will be made.
Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to adjourn the meeting at 3:04 p.m. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
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County Clerk Chairman of the Board