Kiowa County Public Health reports third COVID-19 case
Kiowa County is now at 3 positive cases of COVID-19. There are currently no hospitalizations and there have been no deaths. The cases are female and male in their 60s, and a male in their 50s.
These counts are updated each day at 4:00 p.m. at covid19.colorado.gov and will be updated in the Kiowa County Weekly Update each Wednesday. Each positive case is being investigated and all close contacts are quarantined.
If you think you may have symptoms of COVID-19, or may have been exposed, and are interested in testing, call 719-438-2251 to schedule an appointment. If you are having severe symptoms such as significant trouble breathing, call 911.
Stay home if you are not feeling well, cover coughs and sneezes, wash hands frequently or use 60+% alcohol-based hand sanitizer, wear a mask/face covering to contain any respiratory droplets and stay at least six feet from others and minimize gatherings.
If you have questions, call 719-336-8721.